Chapter 59: Mika

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Erza Fullbuster Age 21

Gray Fulbuster Age 20

Mika Fullbuster 10 Months old

Febuary 28, X794

It's almost a year later after Gray and I have become parents.

The first few months were filled with cries and giggles from our little bundle of joy.

Gray and I have been catching up on sleep since we both spent many nights trying to stop Mika from crying.

Being a parent is hard.

My mom helped us from time to time. She doesn't have much parental experience, since she never took care of a baby before. Well the same goes for me. Since I didn't have any motherly figures growing up.

But when I held my Mika in my arms for the first time... I felt my maternal instincts was there all this time. Every time she smiled and giggled gave me joy, Every time she frowned and cried my heart just sank and I tried everything to make her happy again.

As far as I know I was the only put Mika to sleep. Gray has too tire her out to make her sleep though. But I can make Mika sleep when I sang her a lullaby. I don't really have the best voice, but I don't have a bad voice either. Knowing that Mika finds comfort in my voice makes me happy as a mother.

"Waaaaaaaaah!" Mika cried out loud

"There there, don't worry mommy's here" I soothed Mika as I cradled her in my arms

"Wmmph" Mika complained

"Daddy's just out getting diapers. He'll come back soon, so don't cry anymore" I walked around the living room as I tried to rock her to sleep

"Mmmmm...." Mika grumbled 



"Honey, I'm home" Gray walked through the door holding two full bags of diaper in each hand

"I always wanted to say that" Gray commented

"Welcome back" I whispered

"Ngyieeeee" Mika cried

"Let me take her for now"He put down the diapers and reached out for Mika

"Please." I said

"Come here you little rascal" He lifted up Mika into the air

"hiia!" Mika giggled with joy

"I think she likes you more than me" I pouted seeing the Gray and Mika play together

"Tha's nhot twuo" Gray said while Mika was spreading apart his lips

Mika stopped playing with his father turning to me

She was trying to reach out to me grasping the air.

I took her from her fathers hands

"You've only been with daddy for a few seconds and you already miss mommy." I changed my voice talking to her like a baby

"Who's a happy baby?" I asked Mika

She just giggled and clapped her hands as I held her

"Do you think she understands us yet?" Gray asked

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