Chapter 37: Closure Part 2

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I woke up. I feel so sweaty. I feel so dizzy. I just woke up but I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I look over at my side I see Erza sleeping. She feels hot. I feel like I'm melting. I need to cool off.

I got off the bed careful not to disturb Erza.
I struggle to maintain my balance. Moderate amounts of liquids drip from me. I look at the droplets that fall on the floor.

This is too much to be sweat. Did I piss myself? No I'm a grown man...

I checked my pants just to make sure

Nope. Not piss.

I hear the wind from the blizzard outside. The sound itself was enough to tempt me for some relief.

I let my body move by itself. I kept stumbling over stuff. It was a miracle that I didn't stumble down the stairs

Ugh. I never felt this weak in my entire life
I hope she won't wake up

I got to the front door and opened it

The cold air buffeted me.
It was relief, but it wasn't enough
I strip off my clothes and plopped face first in the snow.

Wooh! Sweet! Sweet! Cold I have missed you.

I feel like a human snowman or just a snowman.

I suddenly felt a burning sensation grab a hold of me

I got turned over by Erza but her touch really hurt

"HOT! HOT!"I hissed distancing myself from her

I looked at Erza's arms now covered in ice
She shook the ice off her easily

But I looked at the part where she touched me it was steaming. I see myself crack.

What the hell! Why am I cracking!

"Gray, What's happened?" She was concerned

She slowly approached me and I couldn't take the heat radiating out of her

"Stop! Don't come any closer" I stopped her in her tracks

"What's going on?" She was so worried that her voice was raspy

"Just... go back inside. The heat... I need cold"I said

She backed out slowly never taking her eyes of me and went back inside

It was me all alone in the cold again.
I took my time to recuperate myself.
As soon as I was back to strength, I went back inside.

I saw Erza standing by the door with my clothes.

"Thanks" I thanked her

She wasn't as hot now since I've been in the cold

"Are you alright now?" Erza asked

"Yeah. For the meantime" I said

"What happened why were you laying down in the snow half naked" She asked

"It got too hot. I needed to cool off" I said

"How?" She asked

"Don't blame yourself, but I think you got too close to me when we were sleeping" I explained

"I'm sorry" She looked down

"Hey, I said don't blame yourself" I doted

"No. I'm sorry for saying the things I said last night" She apologized

"Yeah. I'm sorry too for... y'know about last night" I apologized

"No your intentions were good...but there's just nothing anyone could do about it" Erza said

"But why did you get angry? Can I guess why?" I asked

"Are you turning this into a game?" Erza raised a brow

"Just entertain me" I pleaded

"I'll play along. Shoot" She confirmed

"My guess is. You were really confused as to why your lover, your partner, your one and only, your love for life, your-"I played with her

"I love you. But don't get too full of yourself. And get to the point" She cut me off

"Wait I'm getting there. Why Gray is trying to get Erza to reconcile with Jellal who was her first crush. Even though Gray was trying to emphasize reconciliation through Friendship not Love" I explained word-by-word slowly

"Why are you talking so slowly. I'm not that stupid. But your on the right track" She started talking slowly

"Ehehehe. Sorry. Well I'm guessing that your afraid of the slight possibility that you can have feelings for him again when your already with me" I explained

"..."Erza went silent

"Am I right?" I asked

"How could you possibly think of all that?" Erza said

"I'll assume that I'm correct. Well you know Erza. I probably know more about you than you could ever know about yourself. I'm telling you, your not the kind of person to be unfaithful. You're the most loyal person I know. Take it from me. The boy who's been with you since you were eleven" I proudly said

"Look at you acting all mature. You're making me fall for you all over again" She fawned over me

"You can fall for me as much as you want Erza" I smiled at her

"And If ever all those things were to happen. I won't let you leave me" I said

"You won't let me?" She questioned

"I won't let you be with anybody else but me. I may not openly show that I'm jealous, but I do. I want you to be mine and only mine" I proudly announce

"Isn't that a bit selfish" She laughed

"It's alright to be selfish sometimes you know" I said

"Ok then if that's the case. I want you to be mine and only mine" Erza said

"Same to you" I said

"Fufufu I have my own pet Gray" Erza said

"Pet? Well I have a dog named Erza" I said

"If I'm a dog I want you to be a cat" Erza proposed

"Well then, I'm gonna lick you all over, Erza" I started the dirty talk

"I want you to give me your bone, Gray"She responded to the dirty talk

"You know. Sometimes I think there's something weird with us both" I said

"Then let's be weird together" Erza laughed

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