Chapter 42: Morning...

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After we got cleaned, we dressed up. And dropped dead, feeling relaxed on the sofa. We still couldn't lie down on the bed just yet. The bedroom was still filled with the musk of our recent sexual activity. And uhm... the floor was all messy with drops and spots of uhm... 'fluids'. We really have to clean that up after we rest.

So we opted to relax by the sofa.

Erza was sleeping in my arms.

I can't ever get tired of this sight. The way she looks when she sleeps, it makes me realize how cute she can be.

"*A-chin*" She sneezed cutely while asleep

"How can you possibly get any cuter!!!" I thought

After that, her arms which were wrapped around me, got tighter.

"She's treating me like a freakin' teddy bear" I thought

I hope she doesn't hug me tighter. She'll literally crush the life out of me.

Pros and Cons of having a super strong girlfriend

-She can take care of herself

-The fact that she can take care of herself degrades my manliness
-She can hurt me really bad intentionally and unintentionally

Anyway back to the story.

I tried prying her arms to free myself. She only tightened her grip around me.

I got an idea. Since I'm back to normal, I made a thought projection to make some food while I cuddle with Erza.

I know I'm abusing my powers. But hey its not like its hurting anyone. I decided to learn thought projection, when I first saw Jellal use it against dad. I asked Mavis to teach me how to make a physical thought projection, since she is one herself. I asked her where her original body was, but she changed the subject.

I thought it was useful for communication, Use for diversions, Outnumbering someone in a fight. The last thing in my mind was using it for chores. I've been using it to get things done 2x faster since there's two me's.

Back to reality.

I stroke Erza's hair. She let out a hum of relief and loosened her arms around me.

She was rubbing against me in her sleep. Rubbing her cheeks on me.

I hear her sniffing away at me in her sleep.

Her face lightens up into a relaxed smile as she recognized my scent.

"Why do I feel like she imprinted on me?" I thought

I patted her head to try something out.

She wiggled her butt in her sleep as if she's wagging her tail.

"Welp. I got a pet Erza now." I thought

I smelled the food the other me was cooking. Good thing I took a few lessons from Mira on how to cook.
I also borrowed some books form Levi about cooking, which she was more than happy to lend.

I was able to practice cooking without Erza knowing. I wanted to surprise her by making something for her.
At least one of us should know how to cook more kinds of food. The best thing Erza can cook was stew, while I can cook pasta.

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