Chapter 14: Maybe

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The week had gone by in a rush, I can't remember everything that happened. I can't help feel but  a little shaken, thinking that Gray left because of me. It just didn't feel like the whole team was here without him. I knew I like Gray as a friend, but I just couldn't admit it to myself that I love Gray too.

But still I couldn't let my emotions show this week, I wouldn't want everyone to worry about me.

Well One of the few things happened during the week, we met our guild mate Warren. He was presenting his invention during the festival; the compact communications lacrima or phone. He said the official name was phone because compact communications lacrima  is a mouthful. It's apparently more convenient than the ordinary communication lacrima. It now fits in one hand and can be conveniently stored in ones pocket the only downside is it only relays audio communication. He gave the whole team free phones just because we were guild mates. I got a red one, Lucy and Wendy got Pink, and Natsu got orange one.

We spent the whole day separated apart walking-and-talking to each other out of sheer amazement of the device

By the end of the day Natsu broke his phone, he asked Warren for another one, but He was out of a stock for the time and said he would be charging for future purchases for a hefty price as it was hard to make.

By night Natsu was sulking by the corner of the room in our inn. He then perked up and tried convincing Wendy and Lucy to give one of their phones to him. I glared at Natsu when he tried to get close to my phone, he scurried away immediately.

At some point Wendy convinced Natsu to go on a merry go round with her, the scenario went like this.

"Hey Lucy! look I'm riding Sagittarius!" Natsu said
"That's not Sagittarius!" Lucy said slightly offended as a celestial mage
"Jokes on you, this is a unicorn! Nyeeh nyeh nye- *blurp glurp glorp*" Natsu said halfway
The Toria spell has worn off.He was cut off by his vehicle sickness
"Haha! Serves you right!" Lucy said with a grin

By the last night Natsu has gone off with Happy to pig out on all the food booths around town. While the rest of us girls spent the last night at the hot springs.

Now we were at Onibus station were we met Master Markarov coincidentally, he said he was going back to the guild from the meeting with the other guild masters.

We were back in Magnolia in no time. When we arrived at the guild, I looked around if Gray was here, but to no avail. I couldn't find him anywhere. I eventually gave up the search for the meantime. I went over to the bar to get something to eat.

"What can I get you Erza?" Mira asked

"Do you have some cake?" I said

"Give me a sec"Mira said

Mira then laid in front of me a slice of cake on a plate

I ate the cake, while thinking where I could find Gray.

"Hmm? Something on your mind Erza? You're usually happy when you a eat strawberry cake" Mira asked

"No no. Everything's fine, I'm just thinking about something" I said

Master Makarov then sat down by a spot on the bar counter

"Mira dear, the usual please" Makarov said

"Here you go, Master" Mira said handing a drink to Master Makarov

"Oh right Gray left me a message master. He said he's taking his annual leave from the guild" Mira said

I was curious about the 'annual leave' part, I just listened while I ate my cake.

Makarov took a sip of his drink and stared at an empty space

"Really that boy...After all these years... the memory of his parents still has a burden in his heart" Makarov said

"Where did Gray go, Master?" I interrupted

"Hmm? I thought of all people he'd tell you, much of a surprise he'd keep it a secret from his friends. To answer your question: Gray left for Isvan town, for his parents death anniversary" Makarov said

"Isvan town? I've never heard of that place before" I said

"It was Gray's childhood town. You've never heard of that place before is because it is now in ruins. Caused by the demon Deliora." Makarov said

"I see, thank you master" I said

I shouldn't have asked

I thought Gray left because he didn't want to be around me.
Why didn't I notice that Gray was gone this time of the year over the years
I thought he told me everything about him.
I never knew he loved me till this week. I knew he had a crush on me when we were kids, but love is entirely different. I also had a crush on him since we were kids, but we were more best friends rather than crushes.

I guess we really didn't know that much about each other.

Maybe I'll talk to Gray when he comes back. Maybe we would make something out of us.
Maybe I'll let Gray know how I feel about him lately.

Yes. When he comes back I'll let him know how I feel about him

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