Chapter 28: Our First Job

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Gray and I were just relaxing by our couch after our picnic, thats how were spending our lazy afternoon. It was already getting dark.
I was sitting up reading up and thinking what I should do for Gray for that picnic. Gray was here with me, sleeping, his head laying on my lap.

He's so cute when he's sleeping

I started playing with his hair
"Hey Gray?" I hushed

"Hmmmm?" He hummed

"Gray?" I hushed again

"Five more minutes. My... pillow... is comfy" He drowsed off

"Seriously, wake up. If you don't wake up... I'm going to kiss you" I said

"Do it then" He dared me

I didn't kiss him just to see how he would react

Gray's eye opened and peeked at me

"Where's my kiss?" He asked
Reverse psychology really works!
"You're not getting it until you wake up" I stated

"I'll just take it then" He got up and forced a kiss

"Ha you fell for it! You're awake now" I said victorious

"Just barely. So what's up?" He yawned

"Let's go on a mission together. Just the two of us" I said

"Is that your way of asking me out on a date?" He asked groggily

"Maybe. Maybe not. So will you go with me?" I asked back

"Okay... okay... off we go" He's still sleepy

"No! Wait! Not now!" I shouted at Gray

Too Late. We were already splashing around in a middle of a river.

"Gray! At least focus where you're teleporting!" I dunked Gray's head under water to wake him up

"Glub... Glub... Glorp... Bloop" Gray said underwater

We teleported forward to the guild since we were already out

We arrived at the guild soaking wet

"Sorry about that" Gray apologized

"Let's just get a request and get back home fast, before we catch a cold" I said

"How about this. A convoy escort request?" I suggested to Gray

"You pick. Your the one who invited me" He said

"Hey Mira. We'll take this one" I gave Mira the flyer

"Can I ask why are the two lovers are out this late? And soaking wet?" Mira asked handing us back the flyer

"Gray did something stupid" I pointed at Gray

"Ehehehe" He laughed off scratching his head

Gray grabbed my hand and teleported us back home

"Well that was rude. Mira was talking to us" I scolded Gray

"You want to be interviewed by Mira for hours about our relationship?" He answered

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