Chapter 35: Gray's Funeral

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The day after the battle with the demon army.

Oddly enough it was snowing. I was standing in front of Gray's tombstone with everyone in the guild behind me.
Lyon was also here standing beside Juvia. I could see a mix of anger and sadness in Lyon's face.
Everyone gave me their condolences... I just said thank you  and moved on to the next until the funeral was over.
Everyone left until I was the only one left. I was just standing here in front of Gray's grave.

Gray, the real Gray stepped out from where he was hiding. He's now wearing a full body cloak with a hood over his head.
He walked towards me, stood beside me and looked at his grave.

"Sorry for making you do this" Gray spoke as he looked at his grave

"..." I stayed silent

"Y'know going to my funeral" He added

"How does it feel to attend your own funeral?" I asked

"It feels... weird" He answered

"I had a dream like this. I mean seeing my own funeral" I said

"When?"Gray asked

"Back when the Tower of Heaven exploded. It was a good dream. I became a wizard saint in that dream" I said

"Wizard saint huh?" Gray smirked then frowned

"What? What's with that look?" I asked

"I could see you becoming a Wizard Saint....but it's hard imagining a world without you" Gray choked

I reached for his hands. His skin was still chillingly cold because of Iced Shell.

"You're hot" Gray said

"Are you making a pass at me?" I teased him

"No. I mean your touch really is hot" He said

He broke free of my hand

"We should probably avoid skin contact for now. It's affecting us both" He said while looking at my hand

I looked at my hand to see ice spreading up my arm

Since it was snowing I requipped into more suitable clothing for the weather.

I held Gray's hand again as I was now wearing mittens

"There better?" I asked

"Strangely... yes" He said in amazement

I moved in for a kiss before Gray stopped me

"No. No. You probably shouldn't do that. If you kissed me now, it will be like licking a frozen pole. You don't want to be stuck kissing me forever" Gray exaggerated

"It's not the worst way to go" I pouted

"NO" He clarified

"Grrr fine. I'll do this for the mean time" I said

I removed my mittens and kissed my fingers and put my fingers on Gray's lips for a brief moment
Gray was shocked for a moment and smirked

"Aren't you cute" He touched his lips

"If direct doesn't work. Indirect works too" I stated

He laughed it off

We went back home avoiding every contact between other people. Unfortunately Gray couldn't teleport us back home. He doesn't know why either.

"Pack some stuff. We're going away for awhile" He said as we entered our house

"Where are we going?" I asked

"I'm going to find some answers. I just want you to come with me" He said

"Can I ask why?" I asked

"No. I'm not even sure if I want to find out the answers" He said

"I hate it when you speak cryptically" I said

"Just think of it as a romantic getaway" He said


We packed up some stuff and spent the next three days traveling to the snowy mountains. We approached a house and went inside.

"Why does it a-a-a-always have to b-b-b-be cold" Erza said

I was starting a fire by the fireplace

"The cold doesn't really bother me that much" I saidsaid when he finally started the fire

"Easy for you to say. You're a freakin ice mage" She retorted

I went to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and came back to see Erza was desperately warming her self up

I handed the mug to her and drank it straight away

I saw Erza's face turn into a cat and let out a satisfactory breath

"That hits the spot" She said

I just smiled and chuckled at her cute face

"Huh? Who's house are we in anyway?" She noticed

"This used to be Ur's house. Since Lyon left back then. I was the sole owner of this house" I said

"Makes sense" Erza said as she took another sip of hot chocolate

"Since we're already here, I might as well tell you the reason why we're here" I said

I got Erza's attention

"Truth is. I have suspicions about Deliora... if he even is Deliora to begin with" I said

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