Chapter 54: Stories Part 4 "Birthday Part 3"

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We were still playfully fooling around in bed. When Erza's phone rang.

"He~~~lloooo" Erza answered the phone cheerfully

"Looks like the birthday girl is in a good mood" Mira's voice could be heard from the receiver.

"Yes I am." Erza responded playfully

"Wait... You had sex didn't you?" Mira guessed the tone of Erza's voice

"I'd like to take responsibility for that" I said as I switched the phone to loud speaker mode.

"You two are unbelievable! Doing it early in the morning!" Mira shouted from the other line

"Who said we started in the morning?" Erza said seductively as she started kissing me

"You crazy love-love couple. You two are meant for each other!" Mira shouted

"I suppose we are." Erza agreed as she nuzzled my neck

We started kissing again

"Ehem! I can hear you guys!" Mira shouted from the other line

"Eh?! Sorry! Why call so early in the morning Mira?" Erza asked Mira

"What can't I say Happy Birthday to my best friend early in the morning?" Mira said

"Thank you!" Erza accepted the greetings

"So... I heard you two went on a 'blind' date yesterday?" Mira emphasized the blind since Erza couldn't see yesterday

"I'll tell you later. But for now I just want to cuddle with my hubby" Erza said as she rubbed her cheeks against mine

"Don't you two spend enough time together as it is? Well Anyway. Happy Birthday again Erza!" Mira said

"Thanks again!" Erza replied

Erza hung up her phone and focused her attention on me.

"Now where were we?"She said as she continued fawning on me

"I can't believe you two are best friends now. It's hard to believe that you used to fight with her back then." I said realizing this

"We all need to grow up someday. It's good to see you're no exception."She tapped her finger on my nose

"What's that  supposed to mean?" I asked

"I think you're a late bloomer in terms of maturity. You think things through more often and you continually improve yourself. Don't think you can keep your secret from me." She hinted

"What secret?" I acted koi

"You've been practicing a lot of types of magic?" She said

"Well not a lot" I said

"Can you show me one?" She requested

I clasped her hand with mine as she looked intently at what I'm about to do.

A rose sprouted from between our palms

"Ooooh. Green Magic." She was amazed at the trick

"Show me another one" She requested

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