Chapter 47: A Lot of Things Happened...

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It has been a couple of days since ''Gray came back to life''. Everyone was happy and welcomed him back with a celebration.
But he also got scolded by everyone by faking his own death, I got scolded along with him since I gave off an impression of a grieving widow as Mira had put. It makes sense since my fiancé died, everyone assumed I ran away.

We had to cut the celebration short. It seems after Gray's supposed death, Natsu blamed himself for not stopping Gray, so we were told by Lucy and Wendy. Natsu then packed up and went off to train himself. Thanks to Wendy's acute sense of smell, we tracked down Natsu by the mountains.

As Natsu saw Gray. He was panicked as if seeing the ghost of his friend. So...the two exchanged fists, the only way they knew how to communicate.

Before they fought though...

I sent Lucy, Wendy and Carla to gather materials for a campfire... looks like were going to be here for awhile

"Are you serious! We came here to bring him back. Not for you two to fight again right off the bat" I scolded Gray

"Well... I'm gonna have to convince him somehow that I'm alive" Gray said

"If it comes to it. I'm going to have to knock out the both of you and drag your asses back home" I threatened

A chill went down Gray's spine as I threatened to beat them up.

"Look... Can you just let us fight?" He asked

"Give me a good reason why I should let that happen." I said

"We just need to do it.... Don't tell anyone this, but... Natsu is the closest thing I have to a little brother. Yes. We do fight a lot and we don't get along very much. That's just what brothers do. We quarrel and fight a lot. I just think that... it's finally time to bury the hatchet." He said

"So? What's the point in fighting? Your just doing the opposite of reconciling with someone." I rebutted

"Hmmm... If all goes well... We won't fight anymore... hopefully... Trust me. Ok?" He pleaded

"Fine I'll let it go this time. But if it goes too far, I'm going to step in." I said
The girls and I watched the two exchange hits.

"Erza. Is it alright to let those two fight? You usually stop those two by now." Lucy asked

"It's alright... for now." I said

"Those two are really close, don't you think?" Wendy said

Lucy and I gave Wendy a confused look

"Carla... Did you miss me? I'm so happy you came all the way out here just to see me" Happy was happy

"I go where Wendy goes." Carla turned her head away

"*Heart shatters*" Happy was sad

We all watched as the two fought for hours and hours.

In the end... Gray lost as Natsu was victorious. Both were badly battered and bruised.

The sun has already set.

Wendy was quick to heal the two.


Ugh. My body was numb and stinging. Good thing Wendy was here to heal us.

As Wendy finished healing Natsu. He walked off for a while.

I soon followed him.

"Still can't believe I'm alive" I sat down as he stood

"..." Natsu was silent

I just waited until he spoke

"Hey. Aren't we... y'know, friends?" He asked

"Yeah. We are." I said

"Have you forgotten about the past already? I'm sure I've already stopped you once from using that kind of magic" He said

"Don't die... dammit. Don't even think about dying! LIVE!!!" He shouted at me

"For crying out loud..." He wiped his tears

"Yeah....sure..." I was taken back

"You've gotten stronger... I'm pretty sure I landed more hits than you. But your blows were heavier" I changed the topic

"I figured I gotta get stronger. So I don't lose anyone again" He said

"How about Erza? We thought she ran away when you died." He asked

"Yeah she was with me the whole time" I said

"Makes sense. You kinda smell a bit like her. Why do you have her smell on you? And where did you two go?" He asked

"It's a long story. And what smell?" I sniffed myself

"You have her scent mixed in with yours" He said

"Eh? Uh? You shouldn't look deeper into that" I panicked

"Speaking of Erza. I think we should actually try to get along now. For her sake" I said

"You admitting defeat?" He asked

"Fine. You win. I lose" I admitted

He started dancing and spewing fire in his mouth

"You'd go that far for her?" He asked

"Yeah" I said

"You've changed. I can't believe you're marrying that monster" He teased

"She's not a monster. And I haven't changed, you're just immature in general."I pointed out

"Eh! What did you say stripper? I'm the most maturest of them all" He bragged

"Hmph! You still lack the the I.Q. to understand basic grammar. And 'maturest' isn't even a word"I mocked

"And I just can't let you go for insulting my woman" I said

We butted heads

Unfortunately Erza caught us and bashed our heads.

We returned back to the campsite.

I teleported all of us back home with a little help from Wendy, because I had the power to cover the distance, but 5 persons and two cats can be a bit taxing to do. So Wendy lent me some power.

We were back home in Magnolia

Before we parted ways into the night. Natsu at least had the decency to thank me for using teleportation instead of getting in a vehicle to get home.

From this point on Natsu and I fought less and less. With occasional mocking of course.

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