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Spencers POV
I woke up before and I got up and I saw Toby wasn't there. I found a note on the counter and I read it.


I went to go get some supplies for us, be back soon.   -Toby

I smiled to myself and I went into the bathroom to shower. I take my shirt off and see all the bruises. I think back to when I was in there.


I was lying on the ground and I heard the door creak open and footsteps walk towards me. I look at them and I slowly stand up. "Please let me go." I beg. They punched me in the face, I feel to the ground in agonizing pain. I slowly tried to get up and then I felt one of them stomp on my back rather hard. I let out a small scream. I was in so much pain it hurt to move.
I got up slowly but surely, and I spit in there faces.
"Rot in hell!" I shout at them.
One of them punched me in the stomach multiple times and then the other punched me in the face. When I fell to the ground I hit my head on the ground and I passed out.

-End of flashback-

I had started to cry when I think of that. I could even bring myself to shower. I put the with t-shirt back on and I leave the bathroom. After about and hour Toby walks inside.
"Good morning." He says to me with a small smile on his face.
"Morning." I say back.
He kisses my forehead.
"I got some food and bottles of wat-" He starts.
But I inturruped him with a kiss. He doesn't refuse to kiss back.
"I never thanked you for saving me." I say to him.
He smiles slightly. "Thanks not needed I'm just glad to have you back. "
I smile slightly.
He looks at me and his smile fades away after looking at my bruises.
"Do you want to talk about what happened in there?" He asks.
My smile goes away too and I look away from him.
"No." I tell him.
He turns my head towards him and puts my hair behind my ear.
"Whenever your ready to talk I'm here Spencer okay?" He says.
"Okay." I say back.
He hugs me and I can't help but cry into his chest. After a little bit I stop crying.
"Are you ready to continue driving?" He asks.
"Actually is change my mind." I say.
"About what?"
"I want to go back to Rosewood." I tell him. He nods slightly.
"Okay, Rosewood here we come."
We grab our stuff and go out to the truck and Toby starts to drive back to Rosewood.
At Rosewood
We arrived late in thenight. I didn't realize how much we drived yesterday. But we parked outside the barn and we went inside. I sat on the couch. He sat next to me, I cuddled next to him and he wraps his arms around me.
"They were men." I say.
"What?" He asks.
"The guys who took me were men." I tell him.
"How do you know?" He asks me.
I sit up and look at him.
"Because they raped me." I tell him.
"After the first month of me being there they started to kiss my body. I tried to make them stop I really did but they were to strong and I was already weak because they had already hurt me. But one of them grabbed my arms and if I moved they would punch me in the stomach hard. I tried to yell and scream hoping someone would hear me but they just continued to punch me. If I moved they went into me harder." I start to cry. "I couldn't hold them off  they were to strong for me. After one finished the other went too and they did that often especially when I didn't listen. Each time more painful then the last. I thought maybe if I didn't tell you I could get over it, but everytime you've touched me lately I've felt uncomfortable. It's not your fault I just feel like they are still here and are going to continue to hurt me." I tell him. I start to cry really hard.
"Spencer I won't let anyone touch you like that again." He tells me.
Tobys POV
I was mad that someone would do this to her. I would kill whoever did this to her. I will make sure they pay.
She falls into my chest and cries. I kiss her head and run my fingers through her hair.
"I'm here Spence and I'm not going anywhere I promise." I tell her. After a while of her crying she falls asleep on me. I carefully pick her up and carry her to the bedroom and set her on the bed. I lay down next to her. I soon fall asleep.
Guys this chapter was hard to write😭😭😭 2 chapters in one day I'm prod of myself. Okay so I may or may not have cried writing this chapter.
Please leave feedback I would love to hear what you think. Also there are probably spelling mistakes ignore them.....that's probably annoying to read every chapter but oh well I'm to lazy to read through and make sure there are no spelling errors. I have patience but not that much.......K BYE

Instagram : @tobysass

Until we meet again - Trinity 🐋

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