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"You did?"  Tanner asked in disbelief.
"Yes I did." I said obviously lying.
"We will have to lock you up for questioning." she says and walks me to a small cell next to Tobys.
"Why is she getting locked up?" he asks worried and Tanner said nothing.
"Tell me what's going on!" Toby says getting a little louder. Tanner then locks me in the cell and leaves.
"Spencer what is going on." he asks worried.
"I told Tanner it was me not you." I say.
"Why would you do that?" he says and mumbles something under his breath.
"Because what you did, you did it for me. I couldn't just stand back and let you go to jail." I say.
"Spence I was going to tell Tanner what happened to you in that place. The I was gonna let her know that you were sure it was Brandon in there. She would look for evidence and Brandon would go to jail and I would still get into some trouble but not enough to put me in jail." he says.
"No Toby if you tell Tanner what happened everyone will know....I'll be ashamed." I say starting to tear up.
"There is no reason to be ashamed, it was nothing you could stop." he says.
"I could have faught harder to stop it then we wouldn't be in this mess." I say.
He reaches his hand through the bars and I grab it. We both sit down still holding each others hand.
"Everything will be okay." he tells me.
Hours later
Tanner walks in and unlocks both of our cells.
"You guys may go, Brandon has dropped all charges." Tanner tells us.
Toby and I look a at each other confused. We get up and leave our cells and we leave. I didn't think Toby would be leaving I thought he would go to jail.
"Why would he do that?" I asked.
"I don't know." he tells me and we both get in the truck and we drive home. We arrived home soon after. Toby gets out and I follow.
"Toby do you think he didn't press charges is because he wants revenge, what if he's going to hurt you." I say before we walk into our house.
He stops me and turns me towards him.
"I'll be fine there is nothing to worry about." he says and I hug him. He kisses my forehead. We stay like this for what feels like hours. I move slightly away from him.
"You hungry?" he asks walking into the kitchen.
"Yes but can we just get Chinese?" I ask slightly smiling.
"I'll go pick some up." he says. "I'll be back in about 20 minutes." he kisses my forehead and he walks outside. I stand in the doorway and watch him. He opens the door to the truck and that's when a loud boom happens and his truck is blown to pieces, someone put a bomb on his truck. I then see Toby lying on the ground.
"Toby!" I say running to him.
I won't update my other book for a while sorry guys I'm just really busy. Let me know what you think of this. I hope y'all like it. There are probably spelling mistakes just ignore them......K BYE

Instagram: @tobysass

Until we meet again -Trinity 🐳

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