Certain deaty

538 18 12

Spencers POV
Toby carefully picks me up an puts me on the counter. He lifts my shirt and grabs a towel.
"Spence let me know if I'm hurting you." He says and continues to clean my cut.
He was slightly shaking and I couldn't figure out why. I grab both his hands.
"Toby I'm fine you don't need to worry." I say.
He nods slightly and kisses my hand.
He puts a bandage over my wound. He then takes the bloody shirt off my body.
He knows something, and he's not telling me.
He throws the shirt away.
"Go get changed." He mumbles.
"Toby what's going on there's something your not telling me." I say.
"Go get changed Spence." He says and leans over the counter and what he's his hands.
I roll my eyes and walk into the bedroom. I quickly changed and put Bree in her crib. I walked back into the kitchen.
"Now are you going to tell me what your keeping from me."I ask
He turns and looks at me.
"No Toby just tell me please."
He leans against the counter.
"A wants me to kill you." He says.
"W-what?" I say.
"When A gave us Bree they said since we got her back I have to kill you." He tells me. I slowly start to back away from him.
"Did you do this to me?" I ask slightly lifting my shirt.
"No Spence of course not I would never hurt you. " he says walking towards me. I back into a chair then he grabs my arms.
I quickly hug him.
"Toby what's gonna happen if you don't do it?" I ask.
"Spence no we are not talking about this I'm not doing it." He says.
"Do you think A would hurt Bree?" I ask.
"Spencer, stop!" He stops hugging me. "I won't hurt you ever and Bree will be fine."
I slightly nod.
"What are we gonna do Toby?" I ask.
"I want you to be safe, maybe you and Bree should get somewhere car away from here." He says.
"No, no I won't feel safe without you I'm staying here." I say.
"Fine but I don't want you alone at all." He says.
I looked at him for a moment and started thinking something I knew I would regret. If I died Toby and Bree would be safe. I walk over and sit on the couch and Toby follows.
"Spence I have to work today. I want you to call one of the girls to come stay with you till I get back." He says.
"You go to work I'll call Hanna." Tony nods and kisses me forehead and leaves. I decided not to call anyone. I texted th unknown number that A last texted me from and I said
You want me dead, meet me at the top  of the hill at midnight I'll be waiting. 
I hesitantly pressed send.
11:30 pm
Toby would be home any time I had to go. I left him a note.
     I know this isn't what you wanted but I can't let anything happen to you or  Bree so I'm letting A do what you  couldnt. I love you so much Toby don't change ever I'm glad I got to spend years with you. You made my life better.  Good bye

I left it on the counter and left. I got there at almost midnight.  I started to hear leaves rustle.
"Is anybody there!?" I shout. Then I see the black figure.
"So this is how it will end?" I say to the figure.
The figure lifts up a gun.
"Just do it please." I say.
I stood there for what felt like hours waiting for them to pull the trigger. Then I hear a big bang and the gun was shot.
This chapters longer I hope you like it. Leave feeback.....11K READS THANK YOU.....K BYE

Instagram: @tobysass

Until we meet again- Trinity 🐳

A Spoby Story: He's My PastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang