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Tobys POV
I didn't sleep at all last night I couldn't stop thinking about what Spencer had told me. I can't believe somebody would do that to her. Honestly I want to hurt them so bad for what they did but I don't know who did it. I will figure it out for her. I'm laying next to her and she starts mumbling.
"No stop, please." She says. She was having a nightmare.
"Spencer  wake up!" I say kind of loud.
"Let me go!!" She shouts.
"Spencer it's only a dream, wake up." I say shaking her bruised body gently. She wakes up and looks at me. She puts her head on my chest and hugs me.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
She nods slightly, but I knew she was lying.
Spencers POV
It was happening all the pain I went through its happening in my dreams. I couldn't handle this it's all to much.
"Toby I'm scared." I say.
"Off what?"
"To be left alone, to leave the house, to have you go to work and leave me here, that you'll leave me." I say with tears in my eyes.
"I won't let anything happen to you, and I'm not going to leave you. I love you to much." He says.
"I love you too." I tell him.
I hug him. He tickles me.
"Toby!" I say laughing. He continues to tickle me. I get up quickly and run out of the bedroom. He chases me and tries to catch me. I run around the table mutiple times and he follows. I couldn't stop laughing. He catches me after a while. He puts his hands on my hips.
"I got you to smile." He says smiling.
"Shutup." I say and kiss him hard. He picks me up and kisses me back. He sits on the couch and I go on his lap.
"I work tonight, and I don't want you to be alone. Can you call one of the girls?" He asks.
"Yeah I will, how long will you be gone?" I ask.
"Just a few hours."
I nod.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask.
"Sure." He grabs the remote and puts on an old movie and we lay on the couch and cuddle. I didn't really watch the movie I just day dreamed. I was in lots of pain, but I didn't want to tell Toby. After the movie Toby carefully got up and helped me up.
"I have to go get ready for work." He says.
"No I don't want you to go." I say.
"Call the girls."
"I don't want the girls here I want you here." I snap at him.
"I'm sorry I ca-" He starts.
"Just go." I tell him.
He kisses my forehead and leaves. After he leaves I sit on the floor and I cry, im in so much pain. I layed there crying for a long time. Then I heard a knock at the door I quickly wipe my tears away and get up.
"I'm coming." I say.
I walk over and open the door.
"So the rumors were right your back." Brandon says with a smile on his face.
Read this at your own risk....I'm in a weird I fell asleep in the middle of writing this hahaha haha and then I didn't remeber what I was going to write so I had to erase it and rewrite it ugh i was so mad....but I actually really kinda sorta like this chapter......K BYE 😂

Instagram : @tobysass

Until we meet again - Trinity 🐋

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