Part 31

318 18 1

Simone Dionne

"Look up for me please."

I looked toward the ceiling as my makeup artist placed some eyeliner on my water line. After he was done I blinked a few times before looking in the mirror & lightly smiling to myself.

I looked really good.

"Why is it when I do my makeup it doesn't come out as good as yours?" I asked him.

"Because you don't have the magic touch like me." He joked.

"Oh shut up." We both laughed.

Terra walked in & began giving me the scoop of my schedule for today & tomorrow. I had so much shit to do I could kiss quality time & rest goodbye.

"Yo.." Jermaine walked into the room.

My whole mood changed immediately. I love seeing the sight of him.

He walked over & lightly kissed my lips.

"I haven't seen you all day." I told him.

"Yeah I'm trying to get this gym together. It's coming along pretty good."

Jermaine told me about his plans with the gym for kids & I thought it was a great idea.

"Well that's good."

"Hey sorry to disturb but Philip wants to talk to you." Sam poked her head in & told Jermaine.

Once they left out I focused on my phone before they started on my hair.

Jermaine Cole

I walked down the long hallway before turning a corner, heading toward the room I last seen Philip. After turning the corner I noticed Lincoln standing near.

Once he seen me he immediately hung up his phone & stuff it into his pocket. I looked at him strangely noticing the change of his attitude.

"Wassup." I mumbled.

Instead of replying he slightly nodded his head & walked away with his head held low. I watched as he disappeared around the corner before reminding myself to keep a eye on him.

He's been acting a little weird lately but I couldn't understand why. I'll most definitively figure it out.

Just a filler.. ❤️

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