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Jermaine Cole.
|Years Later|

"Aight, I'll check up with y'all later." I waved as I exited my gym & headed to my truck.

It's been a few years since Simone's death & I must admit it's been going by smoothly but not a day goes by when she doesn't cross my mind. I find myself daydreaming about her sometimes wishing she was here.

Lincoln got a life sentence with 15 years on top of that for kidnapping & 2nd degree murder. His brother got the same sentence with a few more years added since he pulled the trigger.

After justice was served everyone seemed to finally be at ease & found closure.

Raising Zolee was a hard struggle at first but once everyone noticed I was struggling they stepped in to help & every since then everything with her has been amazing. Watching her grow before my eyes was just breath taking.

Right now she's four years old, & she's the smartest little girl I know, she's very adventurous & love to read books. My baby girl is a genius.

Sometimes I do worry about her because she's always talking about Simone regularly like she's here. I have to remind her that her mother is gone sometimes which is crazy since Simone died when Zolee was only about three months old.

Every time I tell her that her mother isn't here she gets confused & tries to argue me down. I told Ms Kim about it but she never spoke on it, it was confusing.

I pulled up to the house & made my way inside noticing Ms Kim standing looking out the window.

"Hey I'm back. Zo sleep?" I asked.

"Um yeah she should be waking up soon."

"Ok, thanks for watching her I appreciate it."

I began to walk to the back to check up on her before she stopped me.

"She's been talking about Simone again." She sighed while taking a seat.

"What she say this time?" I asked.

Ms Kim held back her tears before replying.

"She told me that Simone visits her at night & read her bedtime stories until she falls asleep, she also says that they crack jokes together about you." She smiled a little before it faltered.

I was only starting to wonder if Zolee had a special connection with Simone or something.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her about it."

Ms Kim stood up & patted me on the back before walking out the front door. I stood in the hallway for a minute & rubbed my hands down my face.

"Simone roasting a nigga in the afterlife." I chuckled to myself.

I walked inside of Zolee's room noticing she was sprawled out on her bed.

I walked inside of Zolee's room noticing she was sprawled out on her bed

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