Part 42

315 15 1

Jermaine Cole.

Today was Simone's funeral

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Today was Simone's funeral. It starts at 11am but we had to be there by 10am, it was now a hour before 10.

I've been laid up in bed for a week straight. I can't eat, I can't sleep, all I could do is cry.

My mama flew down once she got the news & she's been a big help with Zolee. The state I'm in now, there's no way I can raise a baby girl... our baby girl.

Every time I close my eyes, Simone pops up into my mind. I can't rest at all.

After the medical examiners looked her over, they said he shot her in her lower shoulder causing rapid & massive blood loss. The thought of her last moments of breathing always had me thinking.

Overall I felt empty. I lost my best friend, my lover, my wife, my everything.

"Jermaine. Time to get up & get dressed.. I made you some breakfast since you haven't been eating lately."

My mama sat the plate of food on the nightstand. I just stared at it.

She held Zolee in her arms while looking down at me.

"Sweetheart you have to eat something ok? I know it's a hard time for you but you have to be strong for Zolee." She placed her on my chest.

I watched as Zolee held onto me as tight as she could. She was getting bigger & bigger.

My mama walked out so I can have some privacy & get dressed. I sat up in bed & held Zolee close to me kissing her head repeatedly.

She's the only piece of Simone I have left.

After about 45 minutes, I was fully dressed & ate a little bit of food. We left the house & met up with everyone else before going to the church where the funeral would be held.

Once we arrived to the church, it was so much family, friends, associates, & fans here. People could barely get through to wherever they were trying to go.

Fans held up signs & paintings of Simone, showing love & support. It felt good knowing she was loved by many.

After the limo stopped, Gabriella, Matthew, Ms Kim, Sam, Terra, Philip, my mom, & I all piled out one by one. Once we were out the crowd was going crazy trying to look or get a picture.

I clutched Zolee to my chest a little closer while looking behind us, noticing some of Simone's other family members that she introduced me to at our wedding.

We all filed inside & sat at the front row. My eyes wouldn't leave her lifeless body as it laid peacefully in the chrome casket.

It almost looked as though if she was sleeping. My mama sat next to me & rubbed my back soothingly, I guess she noticed the tears spewing out of my eyes.

After everyone was seated the funeral began. The singing was lovely & the message was great, it helped me a little.

After the funeral we went to the burial sight which was at a building. Ms Kim preferred her to be buried behind a wall kinda like how the singer Aaliyah was buried.

After placing her coffin inside the wall, I stood there for a while not wanting to leave wishing this was a dream. I just couldn't come to my senses & face reality.

"It's alright, she's resting." Philip placed his hand on my shoulder as I broke down.

He pulled me into a hug rocking me back & forth. I was grateful to have a caring & supportive family, seems like everyone was strong except for me.

We eventually went back to Simone's old house to eat some food & socialize. I didn't want to talk to anyone considering the fact that everyone was just telling me how sorry they was for me.

I didn't want to hear that right now so I made my way upstairs. I passed up Matthew's room before stopping & backtracking.

I could hear him weep softly behind the closed door. I knocked before opening it but he didn't even hear me come in.

I walked fully inside & sat on his bed, he laid sprawled out with his head face down in his pillow.

"Why her?" He asked after feeling my presence in his room.

I remained quiet as he continued.

"Why did she have to leave us?" He finally faced me.

His nose & eyes were red as crocodile tears continued to fall out. I pulled him up so he could sit up & tossed my arm around his shoulder.

"I wonder the same thing too lil man. But I know one thing for sure, she wouldn't want us moping around. We have to be strong for her & make sure the rest of the family is good okay? I'm positive that your aunt is in a better place, she was a good woman." I assured him.

He nodded before wiping his face clear from tears. I rubbed his head before standing up.

"Keep ya head up money boy."

"You too uncle J."

I nodded before walking out & closing the door. I gotta be strong for her family & our baby girl.

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