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"Did you see his stupid girlfriends?" Zendeya asked as they was on the way buying tickets to watch movie.
"Ya. I saw. They are all stupid and ugly." Zeyara too commented on the way the girls of Ethan and Grayson looked like.
"Hahaha. How unlucky the ones are going to marry them?" Zendeya said laughing.
"Ya. Okay. Whatever it is. Let's watch movie first and you go and buy the popcorn now." Zeyara requested to Zendeya. As Zendaya nodded. She bought and entered the cinema.
Ethan and Graysin met his friends first. As they had their lunch and they was so happy to make the Princessa twins annoyed.
"Bro. I think I can't make it to movie. I have to go back. I need to do a cover song for my next video on YouTube. You know. Alex Aiono." Alex said as he was already getting ready to go back.
"Bro. Why so early? But never mind. It's okay. Till we meet again bro. Take care." Grayson and Ethan said to him as then Alex left.
"So. Nate? You aren't going anywhere right?" Ethan asked Nate.
"Urm. I have to send Max the husky to vetenerian now. Sorry guys. See you all next week. If possible. Had a fun time. Even it's just one hour. But it was lit." Nate said as he made a dab that made Grayson got so mad and Grayson took some water and sprinkle on Nate's face.
"Okay bye bro." Grayson said.
"Let's call Jake and see? Whether he can accompany us or nah?" Ethan suggested.
"Okay. Let me call him. Hello. Jake. Hello. Hello." Grayson said sad.
"Why bro?" Ethan asked.
"His phone went to voicemail. Dang it." Grayson said.
"So. It's just the both of us." Ethan said as he pulled Grayson and forced Grayson to carry him on his back and take his to the cinema.
"Who wants to buy the ticket?" Grayson asked.
"I buy the tickets. You buy the popcorn." Ethan suggested.
As then they bought a ticket and popcorn too.
Ethan and Grayson walked in to the cinema. As their eyes caught this hair they know very well.
"Hey. Aren't they the shitty hairs?" Grayson asked.
"Yes bro. Let's go and stuff this popcorn on their hair. Hahaha. This is the best place to kill them." Ethan replied. As he went out to buy large popcorn like 4 to dunk on Zeyara and Zendeya.
"Hello. Bitchez." Grayson said as he was so happy.
"What the fuck monkey donkey on the ice cream chunky?" Zendeya asked as she was so mad.
She step on all the couch or cushions that are there and ran right in to Grayson and slap his face so many times.
Ethan threw all the popcorn on Zeyara. She did not say anything. Ethan then took some popcorn and shove it in Zeyara's shirt. That turns her on to be angry. She took a whole bunch of popcorn full in her hand and shove it in Ethan's pants. Ethan that got mad. Pour the cold water on Zeyara. Zeyara took the ice cubes in the drink and shove it in Ethan's pants. Leaving him to run around the whole cinema room holding his pants. He was hardly can't even breath as the cold was massive.
Grayson took the popcorn pack and put Zendeya's face in side it. And he kick her butt. Causing her to land on the floor of the stairs and making her slide all the stairs and fall down.
"Lucky this is a carpet full. Orsl else. I would kill you by now." Zendeya said with a mad voice.
"Oh my gosh. Sir. Miss. Please step back. You all need to leave this cinema. The movie has ended already." The manager of the cinemas interrupted as he was shock to look at the condition of his cinema.
"The moofy is great." Ethan said as he was breathing fast due to coldness.
"Ya. It was awesome." Grayson commented.
"How are you all saying it's enjoyable when you all are not in a good condition?" The manager asked.
"Don't worry. We was so on to the movie. So we fought on behave of them in the movie." Zeyara replied.
"But you watched a sad romantic movie. Not an action movie." The manager asked weirdly.
"Hey. Don't talk so much. Just shut up. So what if we don't watch the movie? We paid right? Not that we sneaked in." Zendeya that is so mad suddenly shouted at the manager for asking so many questions.
"Thank you sir. Sorry for the mess." Zeyara said as she grabbed Zendeya's wrist and took her out from there.
"We all should go to the toilet first. We look like the army at the battle field." Ethan suggested.
"Okay. Sure." Zeyara replied still mad at Ethan.
Zeyara and Zendeya entered the toilet and started washing their face and tie-ing their hair in to a messy bun. When actually their hair already looks messy as shit.
Ethan and Grayson also did the same. Wash their faces and all.
"Dude. Can you run to the store and get me a new underwear and pants? Please. She destroy my undies." Ethan pleading Grayson to buy for him a new pants and underwear. His pants and underwear ruin due to Zeyara's doing for putting ice cubes and cold carbonated drink in his underwear and pants.
"Sure. You wait here. I will go and get one for you." Grayson nodded and left Ethan waiting there.
"Hey. Where is he goin'?" Zendeya asked as she notice that Grayson leaving the rest room alone.
She followed Grayson as Zeyara allowed her to do so. Since Grayson is acting suspicious.
"What is he finding here?" Zendeya asked the worker in the cloths shop.
"Oh. He is finding a new underwear and new pants." Said the worker as she gigles.
"Do you have any idea for who is that?" Zendeya trying her luck to ask.
"Urm. Those are for his twin brother I guess." The worker answered guessing.
Zendeya left before Grayson came put of the shop and met her twin sister. Then Grayson came to hand the new pants he bought for Ethan and gave him straight away to change.


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