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That night the wedding reception went very well and smooth. Grayson and Zendeya used to be fighting behind the camera.
Lisa and Sean was so happy for Grayson and Zendeya. Lisa and Sean tried making Ethan feel happy too. But Ethan was just acting he was  happy. He really smile but he was sad at the same time. As he miss Zeyara. He himself admit it.
"Thank you everyone for coming." Sean said as everyone went back home.
"Let's wait for morning. We play truth or dare." Grayson suggested.
"Sure." Grandma nodded.
As everyone sat at the round huge table and started playing truth or dare. They switched in the tv to watch the news. As always Sean loves to watch the new every night.
"A girl died in an accident at the street traffic light. She drove this car Tucson red colour. She was seen alone in the car. The victim is dead as she was burn as the car exploded when a huge tank of oil and gas lorry hit the car due to lost control. The lorry driver is badly injured. But the car is smashed and dead. The body is burned. It's a girl as the clothes proof shown her clothes are all in the car. The car is a wedding car. The forensic still could not identified the victims or the dead body's gender and everything. If anyone knows the victim. Can come to the general hospital of LA to identifie the dead body. Thank you." The news reader started reading everything detail about the incident.
"No.... It's no way. There is no way bro." Ethan yelled as he could not believe what happen and what he just heard.
"Ethan. No. It's not Zeyara. Trust me." Zendeya replied.
"No. Mum. Let's go to the hospital and find out." Cameron said as she was on Ethan side. Grandma was dropping weakly on the ground as she could not believe what she heard on the news.
"Look. It's not confirm that is Zeyara. So we should just find out thats the most important thing now." Sean said as he start the engine of his car and the others took their car to go and meet Zeyara's so called dead body.
They headed to the morgue in the LA general hospital that said they had Zeyara's body. They went in to check the dead body.
"No way. That is the ring she used. I gave her for her birthday." Zendeya said as she was dropping weakly as she could not believe what she heard.
"No. I gave her that watch. Yes. It's written Princess at the back. Ya. It's her." Brent said as his tears was rolling down his cheeks.
"We should in from the doctor that she is the one." Grandma said with tears on her cheeks.
"No way Gm." Tiara and Kiara said as they cried. Nate and Jake hugged them to sooth them both down.
"Veronica. I am sorry for not looking after one of your diamond. I am so sorry. I fail." Lisa said as she was in tears. By now she was already on the ground.
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid she is your girl. Because I can't take her DNA. As her body doesn't have anything left except for bones and skeleton. I am sorry. And condolense too." The doctor said as they all was so sad.
"A day that I will remember. The day I got married. The day Zeyara ran away from her wedding. The day she died. Wow. Isn't that great Gray?" Zendeya said as she passed out as she could not believe the news she just heard.
"Grayson. Carry her to go back. Ethan. Brent stay in our house first okay. Until everything is done." Grandma pleaded as she was in tears.
They all headed back home. They could not believe the news they just got.
"Zendeya. Hey. Relax. You just passed out." Grayson said as Zendeya open her eyes.
"I thought it was a nightmare. Wow. It's real." Zendeya said as she was crying.
"Hey. Don't say that. You need to be strong for your life girl." Alex motivating Zendeya.
"What? How am I suppose to be strong? When have no. My life left me? You tell me?" Zendeya replied as she was crying in tears.
"Shuh. Don't say that. We all is still in shocked too." Ethan said as he got so mad and could not believe it that Zeyara is now gone.
"Hey. Everyone. Let's settle down. We should be praying for Zeyara not crying over her dead body. Okay? Good." Brent said breaking the most sad time.
"Thanks Brent. I'm sorry. I know you love my sister so much. It's just that this is an arranged marriage. So yeah. She was forced to marry Ethan. When actually she don't like him. Now you happy Ethan? You can go and be with that slut all your life long. Don't need to come back." Zendeya suddenly got out of control for the temper she is holding back. She didn't yell to Ethan. But she said it in the most hurting way anyone could quip other person.
"I know it was all my fault. Look. If I have to replace my life with hers. I would definitely do it." Ethan said as he was upset with the way Zendeya treating him.
"Okay look. None can blame Ethan. It's not his fault. Look. I know. I only knew him hours ago. But from what I know. He is not wrong. Come on guys. We should be united as a family here. Not argue over a dead body." Brent said as he motivated everyone that is sad in the car.
"Lucky Gm, dad and Mum is not here. They would be really upset then. To look at us crying." Zendeya said as she hugged Ethan to seek for forgiveness.
"No worries Zendeya. If you didn't say it was my fault. Till the day I die. I will still blame my self. You don't need to tell me." Ethan said with tears in his eyes.


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