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"Enough. You want him? Have him. I don't want him. Now he is all yours. Satisfied? Thanks Ethan. I thought you changed. No. You are still the same. heartless. Wow. Zeyara. You are finally married to the one and only player and heartless guy on earth. No wonder you became supper close to me. You want to avoid people thinking that you cheated on me. Wow. Great acting. And you too bitch. Take him and leave me alone." Zeyara shouted in the whole church. Causing others to get a shock.
Zeyara then took of the ring and slam it on Elena's face and she ran away from the church with her long dress like a scenematic drama where the girl runs away from her wedding to catch her love. But this time she is running too. But running away from her love after getting married five minutes ago.
She took her car drove away to somewhere she herself don't even know.
"Bro. You should go and get her." Grayson taps on Ethan's shoulder that suddenly became blur for a while.
"Okay." Ethan nodded as he wanted to go away from the church to catch Zeyara.
"No. You can't leave Ethan. What if I'm pregnant?" Elena asked angrily.
"Shut the fuck up bitch. Let's see now if you are pregnant or not?" Zendeya said as she slapped Elena and Zendeya pushed her down.
"Everyone. We are so sorry for this evil coming to this church. We should read the Bible to chase her away." Grayson shouted. Causing others to burst out laughing.
Ethan ran out to catch Zeyara. But she was no where to be seen now. She is gone far away. Maybe Ethan himself don't know where she is. But he still drove his car back to Grandma's mansion to check on her. But she was not there too.
Impossible if she is somewhere in the hotel. Ethan did went and check. But she was also not there.
Meanwhile in the church. Everyone was sad for Zeyara. And angry at the same time at Elena.
"Look. Leave now. Or I call the cops." Grandma yelled chasing Elena out of the church.
"Ma. I am sorry. I didn't know all this would happen." Lisa apologizing to Grandma with tears sheading on her cheeks.
"Hey. Don't say that. I know it's not Ethan's fault. But never mind. Let Zeyara be first. She won't leave long. She will be back soon. Just tell Ethan to don't be sad." Grandma said as she hugged Lisa and Sean.
"It's okay Lisa. Let's pray for Zeyara to come back." Sean said as he hugged his wife.
"Who is that bitch?" Cameron asked Grayson and Zendeya.
"I don't know. I honestly never seen this girl as Ethan's chics. This is different. He never told me about this bitch." Grayson replied honest. Because he himself don't know who is that girl.
"Where is Ethan?" Zendeya asked worried.
"I don't know. But why?" Alex replied. As he saw others went back to get ready for the reception at night. The wedding has to go on. Because Grayson and Zendeya is married so they need to celebrate it grand.
"Because she will never come back." Zendeya didn't want to give everyone high hopes or fake hopes.
"What do you mean?" Nate and Jake asked.
"I mean. She won't be back in the nearest time. It will definitely take two to three years before she comes home. I know her very well. She told. Ones she leave this house. That is the most hurting thing someone could do to her. And she will at least take two or three years to cute her heart or even at least to sooth her down." Zendeya said what exactly her twin sister said before to her.
"Really? Then. Better call Ethan to don't waste his time. When Zeyara is far away already." Cameron said as she called Ethan's phone to talk to him.
"He is not answering?" Zendeya asked worried.
"No. Never mind. He will be back later." Cameron said.
"Hey. There he is." Grayson said as he ran to get his brother.
"Sorry everyone. I disappointed everyone today. Please don't hate me." Ethan said crying on the ground. He was on his knees and lost.
"Don't worry son. You are still our son. And you are my grandson." Grandma replied as she hugged Ethan that was already weak on the ground sad.
"Really? Gm. Where am I suppose to find Zeyara?" Ethan asked as he wipes off his tears.
"Urm. Let's keep that a secret. Give her time Ethan." Grandma said as she kissed Ethan's forehead.
"Okay then. Sorry ones again guys." Ethan said as everyone hugged Ethan to make him happy.
"Let's get ready for my wedding reception." Grayson yelled as he hugged Zendeya.
Grandma, Sean and Lisa walked and entered the car to leave already. They headed to the hotel to get ready for the ceremony.
"Don't touch me. We are contractly married." Zendeya said as she pushed Grayson's hands away from her waist.
"You both also married contract?" Ethan asked Grayson and Zendeya as they headed outside to get their car.
"Yeah. Why?" Grayson replied smirking.
"Nothing bro. Great I mean." Ethan said as he chuckles.
"Hahaha. Bro. That is humorous." Grayson said as he wanted to drive.
"Let me drive the car bro. I will be your driver today only." Ethan insisted as he sat at the driver seat and drove the car to the hotel for the reception at night.
Zendeya sat next to Ethan. She didn't want to sit next to Grayson at the back.
"Ethan. Don't worry. I am sure. She will come back after two..." Zendeya got cut.
"After two hours right? Hahaha. I knew it. She can never leave the house more then two hours." Ethan said laughing at Zeyara.
"No Ethan. Not two hours." Zendeya replied shaking her head.
"Then? What? Two days? I know it." Ethan said again.
"Nope." Zendeya replied with the 'p' popping.
"Then. Oh I know. Two weeks is the most." Ethan said as he smiled.
This time Zendeya just shake her head. She didn't say anything.


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