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"Why are we here? I thought we supposed to be in a mall or something?" Zeyara asked as she was still a little blur after getting down from the car and was just standing right in front of a shop.
"Chill. We will meet our family here okay. Then we can go for a shopping." Ethan said making the girls voice like he use to speak in those videos.
"Oh. I see. Okay then. I forgot tomorrow is the wedding." Zeyara said like there is nothing happening between she and Ethan.
"Yup." Ethan replied with the 'p' popping as he nodded. He was holding back his smile.
"Oh shit. No. Wait. Wait a minute. Aren't we suppose to already be going for the testing of fitting the dress now?" Zeyara asked blur.
"Yeah." Ethan said again as he nodded and he laughed.
"Then Mr? What should I wear? Did you even like buy for me any dress? I know. Huh. You are going to sabotage me by buying a silly dress. I am not going to wear that dress at all." Zeyara replied panic as she was looking blur too.
"Chill girl. I bought for you last week. So it will be ready by tomorrow morning. According to them. They will be delivering it at home for you." Ethan replied placing his hands on Zeyara's shoulder.
"Then what are we doing here?" Zeyara asked a little crappy sounding.
"To look at your twin sister and my twin brother fitting in their outfits. Ones and for all. Do a little huge surprise for them. As they don't know you was discharged today morning." Ethan whispered as he took Zeyara in to the shop.
Grandma and Lisa was just sitting there waiting for Zendeya and Grayson to try on the wedding dress and suits for the wedding ceremony and including the reception at night or dinner.
"Hey. Gm and Mum. Look who I bought?" Ethan said as he came in alone.
"Who?" Grandma asked a little excited.
"Here you go. Your princessa. Which soon will be mine." Ethan said as he steps a side to reveal Zeyara at the back of him hiding from just now.
"Oh my. Since when Zeyara woke up?" Grandma asked as she ran towards Zeyara and hugged her while kissing her forehead multiple times as she missed her grand daughter so much.
"Two days ago. I am sorry I didn't tell you all. It's just that I wanted to do a little surprise." Ethan said smirking as he sat down on one of the couches there.
"It's okay. I am more worried about Zeyara. But now she is fine. I am okay for sure." Lisa said as she started hugging and kissing Zeyara on the cheeks and forehead multiple times too.
"No worries. If I am the one looking after. She will be perfectly fine." Ethan replied carrying his eyebrow on the left.
"Where is Zendeya?" Zeyara asked as she was bored of waiting and wanted find her twin sister.
"In the fitting room there." Grandma pointed at one of the fitting room where Zendeya and Grayson is in it.
"Come. Let's see them." Ethan offered his hand so Zeyara would hold and walk. As their fingers intertwined they both went to the fitting room.
"Look. This holding hands is just a gimic." Ethan whispered to Zeyara.
"I know. Chill. If you don't tell me also it's fine." Zeyara said with a wink.
"Oh my Gray. That is yours. This is mine. Get lost." Zendeya screamed in the fitting room.
"No. That is mine. It's dark. I can't fufking see anything." Grayson yelled in the fitting room.
"Okay. Shut up. Let's go." Zendeya yelled in the fitting room.
"Okay. I am done. Let's get out of this freaking dark bleedy asshole room." Grayson said. As they both came out if the fitting room.
"Zendeya. That is what Grayson suppose to wear." Zeyara yelled at Zendeya that was wearing a suit and bow tie.
"Grayson. What are you wearing? Isn't that suppose to be worn by Zendeya? Are you freaking serious?" Ethan shouted at Grayson as Grayson was using a beautiful dress.
"Oh shit. We better change. Come." Grayson pulled Zendeya to go and change their outfits.
"Zeyara. I miss you." Zendeya said as she came out from the fitting room.
"It's good to see you back now. Happy and healthy." Graysin added after giving Zeyara a warm hug.
They then headed back home after visiting the church for the wedding and a little bit of practising the way to walk in the church and some ways to wave and all.
They also headed to the dinner wedding night and had some practise there too. After that they went for some late lunch. They also had some shopping around to see what to buy. Zendeya and Zeuara went for the pedicure and medicure treatment. Ethan and Grayson too. Then soon. Cameron joined them with going for the spa to relax. Not forgetting Grandma and Lisa too.
They all had a wonderful and beautiful time. As Kiara and Tiara joined Zeyara and Zendeya. Since they are the bridesmaid for the towns. For Ethan and Grayson. They have the help from Jake and Nate. Cameron and Alex became good friends since the incident where Zeyara almost died. Soon the night can by very fast. Finaly Ethan and Zeyara singed the marriage contract that night. As everyone was at home busy getting everything ready, prepared and done for tomorrow. Grayson and Zendeya signed the contract earlier. Grayson and Zendeya no more fighting as that bad. Only sometimes they do right too. That night the house of Grandma is full.
"Good night Gm." Zeyara said as she closed her room door and jumped on her bed and slept.
"Good night Gm." Zendeya said as she slam the door and slept.
"Night gm." Ethan and Grayson said together as they slam the room door and slept off.
"Good night my darlings. Sleep well. Tomorrow don't fall in the well." Grandma was literally cracking a joke. As she slept too.


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