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Finally Zeyara got admited in the hospital. Due to too much of bleeding from her head. But according to the doctor that treated her. She will be fine in another two or three days more.
At first. Zeyara was placed in the ICU or Emergency Room. As soon as the whole first day gone by. She was shifted to the normal Ward.
"Hey. Is that gm and Mum?" Zendeya pointed at a lady to Grayson.
"Of course. Let's go and tell them then." Grayson suggested.
"Okay." Zendeya replied shirt before nodding.
"Hey. What is wrong that you both are at the hospital?" grandma asked with a worried tone of voice looking at Grayson and Zendeya like zombies.
"Zeyara. She is in the ICU." Zendeya replied hugging Grandma.
"Oh dear. What happen?" Lisa asked worried.
"Maddy. She freaking hit Zeyara's head. I mean. You can see this recording." Grayson gave Lisa and Grandma to watch the recording from Nate or Jake's camcorder.
Grandma and Lisa they both was in tears. Grayson took Grandma and Lisa to where Zeyara got admit in the hospital room.
Zeyara was on the bed laying weak. She was helped with the breathing machine. As doctor said she may be in coma for a couple weeks or months. Or even years.
"Oh. Dear. I hope Zeyara wakes up and be healthy. Her wedding is around the corner already." Lisa said with a cracking voice.
"I thought everyone forgot about the wedding thingy?" Grayson groaned frustrated.
"Stupid. You are to marry Zendeya." Cameron said as she slapped her brother's head at the back.
"Hahaha. That hurts." Zendeya replied laughing.
"Never mind. Let her rest. I will look after her." Zendeya replied.
"What about the dress to buy? Your wedding is another 2 weeks time." Grandma reminding Zendeya.
"Never mind. Cameron has the same size me and Zeyara is. So she can help right?" Zendeya pleaded Cameron with her puppy eye.
"Oh. No problem. For you and Zeyara my sister in laws. I would do anything for the both of you." Cameron replied hugging Zendeya as she nodded agreeing to help Zeyara and Zendeya.
"Thank you CamDol." Zendeya replied smiling.
"Okay. Gm and Lisa would have to go back now and you know. Get this two monkeys ready for the wedding. As this monkey is here looking after her sister." Grandma quiped as they all burst out laughing.
"Hahaha. Gm. You so mean." Grayson replied as he chuckles.
As Grandma, Lisa, Grayson, Ethan, Tiara, Kiara, Nate, Alex, Jake and Cameron made their way back with the bus. If course Alex would drive  the bus as he is the only one wanting to drive the mini bus.
Zendeya on the other hand got attacked by someone.
"Hey. You and your sister should be dead." A girl said as she was with a jab.
"Wow. Who the hell are you?" Zendeya asked as she stood up to defend herself and of course her vegetable sister.
"I am Grayson's girlfriend. Kelly." Kelly introduced her self angrily.
"Oh. Cool. So what is the matter you are here?" Zendeya asked.
"Oh I just love to kill you and your freaking twin sister." Kelly said smirking.
"But what the freak did we both do wrong to you?" Zendeya asked weirdly.
"You are marrying Gray? In your dreams." Kelly said.
"Wow. How the hell you know this?" Zendeya asked as she was going backwards.
"Somebody told me. From the trusted source. So just fucking..." Kelly was already carrying her hand to jab Zendeya.
"Woo. Chill bitch. Get your hands over my wife to be." Grayson suddenly appeared from behind of Kelly and took the jab away from her hand.
"So it's true that the rumours spreading around about you and her?" Kelly asked angrily not even looking at Grayson.
"Hahaha. It's better to hear the rumours. Than to look at you spreading your legs having fucking sex with other guys behind me. Explain that first." Graysin said as he took out his phone from the pocket and started searching a video in his phone and he played it to show Kelly about the video. As she was the main actress in the video naked.
"It's not like that baby. I can explain." Kelly said acting out her drama by holding Grayson's arm and hugging him.
"Leave idiot. I don't want to see you anymore." Grayson said as he called the security to drag the shit out of Kelly so that she will leave the hospital room.
"Are you okay?" Grayson asked Zendeya.
"I am fine. Anyways. Why did you come back here for?" Zendeya asked with a weird look she gave Grayson.
"I left my wallet and my freaking phone." Grayson said as he grab his wallet and phone and slide it in his pocket.
"How are you going back now?" Zendeya asked.
"Oh. They are outside waiting for me. Wanna walk me there?" Grayson asked.
"Sure." Zendeya nodded.
"Who are those?" Grayson asked pointing at the girls crowding Ethan.
"Isn't that your twin brother?" Zendeya asked clueless.
"Ya. I think so." Grayson replied smirking. As they both ran towards the crowded girls.
"What's happening here Gm?" Zendeya asked Grandma as all of them was just there looking at Ethan blur.
"Ethan's girlfriends chasing him all over the hospital just now." Lisa replied laughing.
"Why?" Zendeya asked again.
"Don't worry honey. It's just he always claim himself as a handsome boy. So now. Deal with it. All his girlfriend found out that he is going to get married with Zeyara. So all of them are asking Ethan an explanation." Lisa replied again hugging Zendeya while laughing at Ethan.
"Hey. Look. What's the buzz about?" Zendeya asked as she stand on a bunch of chair drawing the girls that crowded Ethan's attention.
"He wanted to marry a girl. And that girl is you right?" A girl shouted.
"Chill. I am her twin sister. So what? After all. Zeyara is much better then you all are. You know what?" Zendeya asked wanting them to answer.
"What?" The crowd girls asked.
"Deal with it bitches. Don't catch one guy and fight. It's embarrassing. Let boys catch you. You all are worth diamond. Why want this monkey. Leave him. He is worthless. Don't find him. Many other good looking boys out there." Zendeya making the girls hate Ethan and try to open their eyes for other boys.
"Thanks girl. I mean. Zeyara's twin sister. You made all of us realise. We are better off then others and we don't need this jerk." One of the girls said as they all made their move to leave the hospital.
"Thanks Zendeya. Thank you so much." Ethan thanking Zendeya.
"No worries boy. I mean brother in law." Zendeya quiped Ethan as she laughed.
As the others made their way home back. As usual Alex drove the mini bus.
Zendeya went in Zeyara's room to take care of her. She just sat there hoping her twin sister wakes up.

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