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"Hey. Zen. Come here." Grayson called Zendeya that was tie-ing her bra straps of bikini properly.
"What?" Zendeya asked annoyed.
"Let me help you." Grayson tied for Zendeya properly the bra straps for her bikini.
"Thanks. And why did you call me for?" Zendeya replied smiling.
"Urm. Are you sure your sister is okay? I saw her crying. She was on the roof top fighting with Ethan." Grayson spilled out everything.
"Really? I kinda feel bad for her now. She look so sad and always moody." Zendeya doing her own observation.
"Ya. I know right. She seems running. I heard her saying things like Ethan leave and stuffs like that." Grayson said as he was sitting on the slide of the water park at Grandma's mansion that has no water.
"Wait. How do you know this?" Zendeya asked surprised.
"Oh. Remember. I was trying to find my earing?" Grayson asking Zendeya to remember something.
"Ya. Those tampons fell when we was fighting just now. Hahaha. Of course I remember those." Zendeya starting the beef to fight with Grayson.
"Ya. That's when I heard them talking on the roof top. Hehehe. I don't know why. But I think we should let them know." Grayson said as he was suggesting some idea.
"Ya. But first. We should chase that Maddy away from our house." Zendeya is so pissed off when Maddy pass through her mind suddenly.
"I know right. Ethan seems so fine with her. She was not like this before. I don't know what changed her like this. This is unbelievable." Grayson said thinking about how Maddy changed.
"Maybe she likes Ethan." Zendeya said what she thought was right as a girl.
"Maybe she is jelouse." Graysin said what e thinks is right as a boy.
"Maybe she saw Zeyara close to Ethan." Zendey said something logic.
"Ya. True. And she thinks Zeyara is her next competitor." Grayson trying the best to put some logics in his facts right.
"Ya. That's why she is stealing Ethan away and making Zeyara look ugly in front of others." Zendeya said.
"Ya. Especially in front of Ethan. So Ethan would hate her. And like this bitch." Graysin said angry.
"I don't understand why she has to be jelouse?" Zendeya trying to get things right in her mind.
"I know. It's just that she is always been there for Ethan though out the shit he has gone through all this while. And one day. Ethan and I had to stop normal schooling and go to a internet school. Which is in our own house. Started from there. Ethan became a playa. He no more having Maddy as his friend to stop him from doing so. So he was happy to have a lot of girlfriends around him. When Maddy came to find out one day. Because one of her best friend is also now Ethan's girlfriend. So she got so mad. She went to our house and started yelling at Ethan. Thank God. Mum and Dad wasn't at home that day. I know all this. Because I was next room to Ethan. And we kinda have this secret way in to each others room. So it made me easier to see what is going on in Ethan's room. I couldn't believe. Maddy became like a crazy girl already." Grayson stop to catch a breath for a while.
"Then what happen?" Zendeya interested to know more.
"Chill. After that Ethan told her the reason why he become like that. She obeyed to Ethan after that. They become more closer after that. But never took her in the back seat of the Rover and bite that tattoo on her shoulder. Because she never had one. Hahahahah." Graysin said causing Zendeya to burst out laughing.
"So. What did Ethan say? Until she didn't get mad at him?" Zendeya asked Grayson.
"That one. I can't tell you neither Zeyara. Only Ethan could tell you and Zeyara about that. I swearmif he finds out I'm telling you about this also. I am so dead considered." Grayson smirk.
"Okay. How Ethan got to know Maddy?" Zendeya investigating about Maddy on details from Grayson the most trusted source.
"They know each others since Kindergarten. They became closer when they was in elementary school. Together with me too. Hehehe. So ya. She became the triplet of us that time. No one dares to be friends with us. They all don't really care about us. So we was the three friends until now. Before Alex, Nate and Jake enters the frame of our life." Grayson said while his mind was playing the memory he had when he was a little kid.
"Okay. That's nice. I wouldn't blame her. If she had feelings for Ethan." Zendeya said her opinion.
"Are you on her side now?" Grayson asked weird.
"Nah. I am just saying." Zendeya said.
"Let's have some fun. Before we chase her out." Grayson said laughing.
"Okay. Let's go." Zendeya said as she was smiling ear to ear.
"What time is it?" Grayson asked.
"It's now. Evening from what I can see. Hahaha. It's 6 pm now." Zeyara replied as she was already in front of the theme park of pool in her legging and shirt.
"Damn. Hahaha. Let's have fun now." Grayson said inviting Zeyara.
"With my open heart I would." Zeyara replied smiling.
The water in the park started to fill in slowly but surely. It took 2 hours for the water to fill in back. As the pool was huge and for sure large. It was shallow. Not deep. They have this crazy slide. Different names that Zeyara and Zendeya named it. So Grandma just made it for them.
Grandma will pamper them. But they make sure to get enough and nice naggings and scoldings first.
Grandma is not the type that give in to what her grandchildren ask. She is strict yet lovely.
"Ethan. Stop. You are so annoying." Maddy said as she pushed Ethan and he ended up hitting Zeyara. Guess what? Zeyara fell in the water.
"Oops. I'm so sorry. Next time be carefull. Why stand in the edge?" Maddy said as she smiled.
"Hey. Zeyara. Are you okay?" Ethan asked worried as he jumped in the water.
"Ethan!!!" Zeyara yelled.


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