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"Are you okay?" Ethan asked worried as he jumps in the pool to take a look at Zeyara.
"Hahaha. You are soaking wet. Hehehe. Go upstairs and wear a swimsuit first. Then we talk." Zeyara laughed as she saw Ethan jumping in his whole outfit.
"That's humorous bro." Grayson said tapping his brothers shoulder.
"I know right. I feel like killing her." Ethan said as he tries to catch Zeyara in the pool. She ran for her life screaming around. Up and down the slides.
"Okay. Stop. I am out of my breath." Ethan said as he tries to breath.
"Hahaha. Okay. Let's catch some air breath." Zeyara said.
"Ethan. Look. I got you some tacos. Let's have it here. While it's still hot." Maddy said as she came out from the kitchen door holding a plate for off tacos.
"Oh my. That sound delicious. Come on guys. Let's take in something for your stomach." Ethan invited Grayson, Zeyara and Zendeya.
"It's okay. We are not hungry yet." Grayson refused in a nice way.
"Ya me too." Zendeya replied.
Ethan wanted to ask Zeyara. But she was swimming the other side of the pool already. Perhaps she didn't want to look at Ethan already. She don't want to start a fight.
"Okay then. I will join you guys later." Ethan said smirking. As he sat next to Maddy and started eating those tacos that Maddy made.
"Zeyara. Come here. You look ugly in the shirt. Hahaha." Zendeya commented. She knows her sister very well. She can never be challenged. She definitely do it. For the sake to win.
"Why?" Zeyara asked angry. As she swims towards Grayson and Zendeya.
"Hahaha. See. I am more hotter then you." Zendeya replied smirking.
"Chill human. We are identical twins. We looked the same. Hahaha." Zeyara said as she was laughing. Grayson laughed too.
"See? Don't you want to look more hot then Maddy?" Grayson washed Zeyara's brains.
"Of course. It goes without saying that I am better of then Maddy." Zeyara replied as she chuckles.
"Oh please. You are. But now. Ethan is not looking at you. Anyways. We have to chase that bitch too." Grayson whispered to Zeyara.
"Fine. But I don't look nice. Hahaha." Zeyara suddenly her self esteem went down the drain.
"Oh shut up. Let's open that shirt only." Grayson said as he pulls Zeyara's shirt off. Zendeya pull Grayson's tanks top off. Zeyara and Graysin pull Zendeya's tank tops off too.
Zeyara was in her bikini tankini. Hahaha. It was neon red to pink like colour. Honestly. Grayson was blur to look at Zendeya. She was in her Victoria secret mint green neon bikini.
"Someone looking hot." Ethan shouted with those tacos full in his mouth.
"Shut up and eat your food." Grayson yelled back to Ethan.
"Hey. I feel so hot suddenly. I think I have to open this." Maddy said as she open her tops and now she is just in her bra and short pants.
"Why must she be annoying?" Zeyara shouted. Ethan got a choke.
"Chill. She is a slut." Grayson said.
"Then. I don't want to compete with a slut. I am backing off. Tell Ethan I am expensive." Zeyara said as she came out from the pool. She grabbed her clothes. She straight headed towards Maddy.
"Want some Tacos?" Maddy asked.
"No thanks. I am allergic to plastics hers. Sorry. Grandma and your mum Ethan. Is coming back. So I think it's better if you leave now." Zeyara straight forward said it to Maddy's face in a very smooth and nice way.
"Who are you to chase me?" Maddy asked as she stood up to face Zeyara.
"Oh. Too short that you have to look up at me? And you want to talk so much? Leave." Zeyara started to heat up already.
Grayson and Zendeya crawled out of the pool slowly and stood at the back of Zeyara.
"Oooh. That's rude. What are the reasons that you have to chase me?" Maddy asked as she pushed Zeyara's shoulder.
"Oops. Somebody got brains. I thought she don't. Hahaha. Because you are such  a nuisance in this house." Zeyara replied smirking.
"You too much bitch." Maddy said.
"Wow. Wait a minute. Who is bitching here? You or me? Look whose in their bra? Half naked. Haahah. Go back and buy a huge mirror if you don't have money. Look in this nice pool of mine. And look at yourself than start calling others bitch." Zeyara said as she was so mad.
"Enough. You are too much Zeyara." Ethan said as he slapped Zeyara's left cheeks. Causing her lips to bleed.
"Really Ethan? You fucking slap me for this fucking bustard bleedy slut biatch?" Zeyara that got so mad gave out everything.
Ethan again regret what he did. As his hands was shaking for slapping Zeyara.
"Now what? You are happy? You know what Maddy? Take him. I don't fucking need this heartless guy." Zeyara said as she ran upstairs and slam the door hard.
"You too much bro." Gragson said as he took a plate of tacos and steps it on the ground.
"Yes. You deserve this." Zendeya said as she took the tacos on the floor and stuffed it in Maddy's face all over.
Grayson and Zendeya ran upstairs to Zeyara's room. They knocked hard on the door. She never want to open. She was just too hurt already.
Heartless shit.
Tweeted by @zEyara one minutes ago.
Facing him is just like facing a bull. Heartless and rough.
Tweeted by @zEyara one minutes ago.
"Ethan. I think. I better make a move. I will come again next time. I am sorry okay. I don't mean to start this beef." Maddy said acting out her drama and crying. As she packed her stuffs and she left the house crying. Ethan just nodded and gave her peck of kiss on her forehead and let her go back by the uber. As he was the one booked the uber for her.
"Hey. You can come out. All of you. That girl you claimed bitch has gone back." Ethan yelled from downstairs.
"Yes. She went already. Guys it's clear." Grayson said as he peeped from his room.
"Okay. I am coming out." Zendeya said as she too came out.
They both came down to watch movie. They just smiled as they looked at Ethan.

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