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"How are we suppose to go back now? When our bag are those monkeys car." Zendeya grumbled as she was already sokaing wet due to the heavy rain.
"I know right. But sometimes. This is the only chance we have to have fun." Zeyara replied as he eyes was shining with sparkles.
"What do you mean?" Zendeya sang Justin Bieber song What Do You Mean by asking her sister that question too.
"If you feel your sinking. I will jump right over in to cold water." Zeyara sang as she pull her twins sister's hand and make her turn a few times while singing Justin Bieber song Cold Water.
"Hahahaha. Okay. Let me love you." Zendeya replied as she screamed in the heavy rain and dance while singing Justin Bieber song Let Me Love You.
Other people was taking a shelter on those bus stops or nearest mall or even shops. But not for the twins. They instead had fun in the rain. As one of the guy there was using an IPhone 7. So he blast various songs that made Zeyara and Zendeya had a party while dancing. For a moment. Zeyara forgot about Ethan that pissed her off a few moments ago. And Zendeya forgot about Grayson too.
"Hey. Aren't they Zeyara and Zendeya?" Grayson asked pointing at the two girls dancing in the rain.
Ethan nodded as he look closer. They both twin boys headed to the place where the twin girls was dancing. Ethan and Grayson was same soaking wet due to the heavy rain.
"Hey. Here is your bag." Ethan handing the sling bag to Zeyara.
"Thanks." Zendeya replied on behalf of Zeyara that is still mad at Ethan.
Zeyara and Zendeya left as soon a they got their bag back. She walked as fast as she could.
"Hey. Don't you want your grandma to worry about you?" Ethan asked the trap question making Zeyara and Zendeya stop walking and turn to look at them.
"What do you mean?" Zendeya asked.
"I mean. If you go back in this situation. I am sure. She would ask. Because my mum just texted me saying she and your gm is back." Ethan yelled from this side.
As Ethan and Graysonw as standing quite a distance apart from Zeyara and Zendeya.
"Then. What should we do now?" Zendeya asked.
"Come over to my house. Then we can send you and your sister back." Grayson yelled to Zendeya.
"Okay." Zendeya nodded. As they all entered Ethan's car.
"Wait. Aren't you mum and all will be at home?" Zendeya asked Grayson.
"Nah. My dad will be back only night. Cameron is at her college still. My mum is at your house. So that's the reason why I told you to look okay." Grayson replied while he was looking at Zendeya at the back seat.
"Okay. Thanks. But what do we wear? Our cloths are wet." Zendeya asked again.
"Chill. My mum is staying at your house. Since my dad is not coming back today. So we are ought to or force to stay there too. So while we pack our stuffs. You girls can dry your clothes in Cameron's room." Grayson replied smirking.
"Okay. I see." Zendeya replied.
"Aaachuu. Aaachoo." Zeyara sneezed as she was in cold.
"Oh boy. Change." Ethan said to Grayson. As then Grayson's hands was on the steering. Ethan jumped to the back seat. Letting Zendeya jumped to the front seat as Grayson drove the car now. Ethan grab his jacket at the car booth.
Currently now Ethan is sitting next to Zeyara that is freezing cold. He took the jacket and placed it on her. Causing her to look up with the red nose to look at Ethan.
"Thanks." Zeyara replied. As she lean back to rest herself that is freezing like shit.
"Welcome." Ethan replied as he pull Zeyara in to a hug. She rested in his arms as he made her feel warm.
"Ouch. Idiot. Drive properly." Zendeya yelled as Grayson drifted of out a sudden and nearly hit a tree.
"Hahaha. Ones I a wild life time." Graysin replied smirking.
"Ya. Stop. Before I fart." Ethan yelled at the both Grayson and Zendeya that is starting the heat to fight mood.
"Wait. You fart too?" Zeyara asked with a nasal sound as she was sneezing non stop.
"Hahaha. Ya. I am a human too. You forgot?" Ethan asked as he pinch gently Zeyara's red nose.
"I thought you are a creature. Hehehe. I know human fart." Zeyara crack a joke and quiped Ethan.
"Fuck." Ethan said as he pushed Zeyara away from his arm making her end on a the mirror.
"Ouch..." Zeyara yelled as she groans in pain.
"Okay. Stop it." Grayson said looking at the heat starting to burn between Ethan and Zeyara.
"Are we here?" Zendeya asked as Grayson parked his car at the garage.
"Ya. Let's go." Grayson nodded.
Ethan showed the girls, where Cameron's room is and told them to dry theirselves up. Meanwhile on the other hand. Ethan had his shower and started packing his stuffs in a bag pack. Grayson was a little late as he was busy choosing some outfits to wear that makes him look hot forever.
"Hey. Are you girls ready?" Ethan asked after knocking on the door several times.
"Ya. Let's go." Zendeya replied as the girls came out leaving Cameron's room.
Ethan chuck his stuffs and Grayson's stuff in the car booth t the back. Followed by Zendeya and Zeyara sat at the back.
As always Ethan would drive since Grayson is too damn lazy to drive.
In the car only radio can be hear making noise. The others was in their own world. Zeyara slept off. Zendeya sometimes would choke Grayson. Grayson sometimes would pinch Zendeya's leg. Ethan will be busy on his phone talking to his girlfriends. Remember. Singular meaning only one. Plural meaning more then one. You need to add s. So his girlfriends.
Ethan could be seen stammring for failing to remember his girlfriends names.
"Stupid. Girlfriends name also can't remember." Zeyara mumbled.
"Gray. Switch." Ethan said. As he jumped to the back seat. Letting Grayson drive and Zendeya to sit in front next to Grayson.
"What you said just now?" Ethan said as he start pulling Zeyara's hair.
"Nothing. I said you are stupid Ethan. Deal with it." Zeyara replied smirking after slapping Ethan's face.
"Nah. We are not going to fight." Zendeya said as she was exhausted.
"Yes we are." Grayson drifted making Zendeya's dace get smack on the window.
"No. We are not." Zendeya said as she hold the sterring and twist to left when Grayson twist to right.
They kept on fighting. Ethan and Zeyara at the back keep jumping on each other and falling. As the car was left and right in few seconds.
"Guys. Stop. The police." Ethan said as he saw police passing by with their car.
"Okay." Grayson drove the car until they reach to Grandma's mansion.


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