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It was too hard to stay away from him, on or off set... she laughed as she changed clothes back into her street duds, and left the trailer for the day. It was four o'clock, she'd have to be back in two hours for the next scene, but right now, she needed to be back at the motel to see Steven who was cutting teeth and screaming angrily for his Momma.

She slung her purse over her shoulder and was about to reach for her car keys when she saw him out of the corner of her eye, push off from the wall and lope toward her. There was no where else to go, no one else to pretend to see. She stopped and watched him approach.

"Trace, wait up!" His voice not accented like it was all day long on set, bounced off her like rain.

She turned and bit her lip. On set she'd been cordial, friendly and professional, concentrating and focused. There was no indication to anyone outside the tow of them that they'd ever met before, that they'd ever shared anything. He didn't ask about her children, take her arm, or give her knowing looks. And she studiously avoided secret smiles, memory lapses, and anything that might encourage anything untoward. But now... it had been almost two weeks.

They'd filmed in LA, filmed in England, and tonight they'd leave for Paris. There was a two day break in Paris to collect their wits. She had no plans.

"Walk with me." He commanded and took her arm.

Tracy felt the incredible rush of electricity that had been slowly building all week race through her to meet his hand like an intimate greeting. She gritted her teeth, steeling herself, She couldn't help that reaction, couldn't stop it.

He led her out of the main trailer area where others had bene parked for a week, for dressing rooms, offices, editing places, etc. The set had lost it's contingent as the crew took a siesta for two hours. Very few people were around.

There was a dirt road leading out of the little town where they were filming. There was a copse of trees behind the set. He led her there. They didn't talk at all on the way and he dropped her arm when he knew she was following him and not going to run away. He took her to a secluded place, overrun with oak trees, several fallen logs on the ground and large flat rock. He waved his arm at the rock.

"Have a seat."

Tracy slipped her purse off her shoulder, set it next to her on the ground and pulled one knee up and warped her arms around it.

"You're losing weight." He said point blank, Tracy gave him one startled stare and then looked out over the beautiful July country-side. Waving grasses, a still sort of peaceful stupor settled over the hills and the tiny village below them.

"And this somehow concerns you?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm probably the only one that knows you're expecting. You're four months along. How can you be losing? You're supposed to be gaining here, right?"

"My midwife has me on a gaining diet, if you must know. Everyhting is acgtually fine. I go in for a sonogram in a week."

"You're still having morning sickness then? The throwing up thing?"

"Why do you care?"

Richard leaned against a tree, and ran a hand through his very styled hair. "You can't ignore the last six months, babe, because of one lapse, one indiscretion."

"I've been to my Bishop. I've been repenting of that one indiscretion Richard, it hasn't been easy."

He rubbed a hand across his mouth. "You might have talked to me about it."

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