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Home was in Laguna. Tracy, the full time mom did her recording at Rocks, three days a week, and Raine taught flying lessons in San Diego, only forty minutes away daily from noon to three. Monday kept the twins at the studio and Coral kept the boys at her house when Tracy was working.

Bridget and Julian had moved back to Huntington beach the first of the year to be closer to Rocks, and to do some musical projects, although working together often ended in fond memories being shared, they didn't actually perform together, but worked on projects with other artists.

They spent a lot of time together, Bridget and Julian warming up to Raine, and he them. Raine became both Tracy and Bridget's personal trainer as well, giving them extra work outs in martial arts so they could defend themselves.

No leads had been forthcoming with the stalker, or would be assassin, but everybody was on high alert and security was tight at any place that Tracy frequented.

Tracy and Raine ran on the beach every morning, leaving Monday awake but listening for the children in her room. It was a quiet time, and fully enjoyed, a time for making plans, and saying soft things. Danny and Steven normally didn't get up till seven, so Tracy figured running on the beach at six would be a safe bet. She nursed the twins and then met Raine warming up on the patio where he was already stretching out.

"Megan was awake. She was fussy and I didn't want to leave Monday with a screaming banshee."

"That was kind of you." Raine said as they started out this January morning. They ran on the wet shore line where tennis shoes made an indentation but the sand didn't glum up their shoes and cause them to sink in. Raine, in way better shape than Tracy always slowed his pace somewhat and only occasionally outdistanced her.

They were both morning people and it was a good time to talk as well. They usually ran two miles down the beach and then back. It took about an hour.

"Are you going to see Coral today?" Raine asked.

"Yeah, it's Wednesday, right? She likes to keep the boys on Wednesday's."

"It gives you and Monday a little break as well."

"Wednesday at eight starts Monday's day off some weeks."

"She's an awesome nanny." Raine approved. "I don'tmnow how we'd do it all without her."

"Oh yeah. I agree."

"What's she normally do on her day off?"

"Hang out. She has friends in town. I think she hangs out with them."


"Her family is all in Kansas or something."

"Oh, so she doesn't get to see them very often?"

"She gets a couple of breaks. We talked about vacation times for her. She wants a break in June. I think that's when we're going to Alaska again."

"That'll be good." Raine said. "Okay, baby, here's the marker, keep going or turn back?"

This decision was usually made based on how her breasts felt and when the last time the twins nursed. If she was too full they turned back, not bad and they kept going.

"I think we're okay." Tracy said and instantly felt a prickling of fear race through her. She looked back toward the beach house, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Raine watched her eyes. "Feel something? Mother's instinct?"

"Not sure." She looked out to sea, the fog bank just off the shore, the morning light trying to break through. Her eyes turned to Raine, but she was listening inside to that still small voice of the Spirit. "No, I think we're okay." She said and turned to keep jogging.

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