The Initiation (Part 1)

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     We were woken up early the next morning, a small buffet of pancakes and the like before being told to head toward the Forest.  Destiny and Isabel stayed close by me, but I couldn't see Leah.
     "Where is she?"  I wondered aloud.  "I could've sworn that she left with us...."  Destiny shrugged but Isabel pointed into the distance.  I followed her finger to see a big burly, ginger guy talking to Leah who looked like she would rather be anywhere else.  She met my gaze and mouthed the words 'Help me' when the guy looked away. 
     I used my semblance to control the earth and make him trip in a pot hole, allowing Leah to come over to us.
     "Thanks," she said, pushing her hair back.
     "Don't mention it," I replied.  "Who was that anyway?"
     "A guy named Reese,"  she replied.  "We've known each other since we were kids."  I felt like there was more but we'd reached the cliff, and saw Ozpin and Glynda waiting for us.
     "Everyone here?"  Ozpin asked.  "Good, now we can get started."  He took a sip from his mug.  How much coffee does this guy drink?  "You are here, as you may have guessed, to figure out who your teams are.  Behind me, in the forest, are ruins that hold artifacts. 
     "Bring back one of the artifacts and your teams will be decided then.  The first person you make eye contact with will be on your team.  Don't take this lightly because you will be met with opposition.  You could die...."  I looked out of the corner of my eye at everyone to see the puking guy look nervous, and a ginger girl just smiling.  She's probably crazy....  "Step onto the launch pads and prepare yourselves...."  The blonde guy raised his hand.  "You have a question...uh...?"
     "Jaune," he replied.  "Jaune Arc, and I was just wondering how we're going to land?"  Land...?  One of the pads launched a kid into the air, and now I understood.  I clicked my hidden blades to the hook blades and got ready. 
     "You have to find your own way Mr. Arc," Ozpin said.  "Good luck...."  Another few kids were launched and Jaune was stammering.
     "What do you mean 'find your way'?"  He asked.  Ozpin just smiled as another few kids were thrown from the cliff.  "You're not serious are you?"  He was thrown into the air with a slightly high-pitched scream and Ozpin looked at me, Leah, Destiny, and Isabel.
     "Any more questions?"  He asked.  I flashed him an evil smile before I myself and the others were thrown into the air.  I spend a lot of time in the air, a perk of elemental control, so I just lounged as the wind tousled my hair and made my long coat dance.  The tree tops raced up to meet me and I extended my hook blades to grab a branch and swing down to the ground.  I changed the blades and looked toward where I guessed the center was.
     "Slick," I muttered.  "Now to find one of the girls...."  For as large as this forest seemed from above, it was actually really open.  Perhaps one day I'll take a stroll through here in my spare time....  A soft rustling noise broke my silence, and I extended my blades.  "Show yourself!  I'm armed and I'm not afraid to kill!" 
     I stomped my foot and used my control over darkness to have it pool into a thick mist around my area.  Just in case if it was someone but the girls.  Eight sets of piercing, red eyes permeated the darkness and I dissipated the black to see that I was surrounded by Beowolves.  Maybe the blades aren't such a great idea...more for a sneak attack.  I pulled out my bastard sword, pushed the button that made it elongate into its full length, and leaped into the air over a Beowolf as it launched at me.
     Turning around I pointed the barrel at the base of its skull and pulled the trigger.  It fell as the bullet flew into its brain, and the others reared at the loud noise.  "Yeah, come on!  You want a piece of this!  Come and feel the sting of Nightblade!"  Apparently Grimm understand English because all seven came at me, claws raised.  I raised Nightblade to defend myself when they all fell and dissipated after seven loud bangs.
     I turned to see Leah just sasshaying towards me, two pistols at her side and smirk on her face.  "I could've taken them...."
     "Sure you could," she said, rolling her eyes.  "Seven against one...great odds."  I let my sword drop to my side as I smiled at her.
     "Thanks."  Her smirk grew into a smile.  "Come on, we've got to find the others...."


     I was perched in the tree I'd grabbed onto, and slowly climbed down.  Always been graceful...always will be.  I drew my rapier and started to walk.  Hopefully I can find Leah before someone else does.  Knowing her she's probably found that Andrew kid.  He's going to be one hell of a Hunter, if he sticks with it.  He seems like the kind of guy who doesn't give up.
     A shout of mad laughter rang through the trees, and I looked around nervously.  It was a cry of almost genuine insanity, but I couldn't tell who it is.  A growl broke my musings and an Ursa broke through the trees.  Remembering my training, I put my right foot forward and pointed the rapier tip at the Grimm. 
     "Hello, handsome,"  I jeered.  It turned its ugly head toward me and roared.  I rolled as it charged, almost catching my foot, and raised my sword as it turned around.  I ran forward and gave it a few jabs in the ribs, poking a few holes but not doing any real damage.  The Grimm raised one of its huge paws and smacked me into a tree.  My sword flew to stick into the ground as I slid down the tree to the forest floor.  Not even the first day of training and I'm already about to die. 
     There was the sound of a blade being pulled from its sheath, a yell, and the Ursa stood still before slowly falling in half.  That girl who was with Andrew, Destiny I think he said her name was, was standing there with a katana in her hands.
     "Want some help?"  She asked, offering me a hand.  I smiled and took it.  She pulled me to my feet and pulled my rapier from the ground.
     "If you can keep up," I replied.  "Come on, let's find Leah and Andrew."



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