Vytal Tournament Round 3

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I put Shadow Strike on my back and Nightblade on my belt as I paced around the locker room. Chances are, if I win this round, I'll go onto the finals and probably have to face whoever stands in front of me. To be fairly honest, I haven't been training as I should have been. I've been trying to keep close to Pyrrha, but far away enough that it won't seem weird to anyone save for a friend. Ozpin's right: if it works we could make her the new Fall Maiden without her having to kill Amber.
"Five minutes until the match starts," I heard Oobleck call. " Andrew Jennings of Beacon facing Ivory Winters of Atlas!" After what I've seen from Atlas, I'm not really sure what to expect...She could be like a soldier or something I've got no idea. Enough questioning, time to face my opponent.
I was lifted up to the arena just like all the other times, and looked at Ivory. She wasn't very tall with long black hair and wearing the icy white and blue known around Atlas. Her skin for her name, pale as Ivory and a set of daggers hung at her side. Probably guns if fighting Serenity has taught me anything...not to mention Crescent Rose. "Begin!"
"I know that size doesn't make a difference," I said, stretching as the platform rose, "but you're kinda short for a Huntress, aren't you?" She pulled the daggers from her belt, holding them like a proper knife fighter.
"Aren't you a little skinny for one?" She replied. I pulled Shadow Strike from my back, extending it as I pulled it out before slamming the blade into the ground. "Nice toy...compensating for something?"
"Sharp tongue," I noticed. "Let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is...." She ran at me and I swung my scythe in front of me. In theory, if I could keep her from getting close, this should be easy. However, if she's confident enough to only have the knives then keeping her away won't be easy. "Oh no you don't!"
She tried to get under the blade before I turned it around and smacked her away. Her knives helped slow her, and when she stood back the blades had moved to point at me...and they're guns...of course. I put my scythe away before running around, trying not to get shot. One of my dust explosives found its way into my hand, and I rolled it towards her. My hand burst into flames and I shot it towards it, stopping as it erupted into lightning.
"A seemingly effective way for him to get rid of his opponents," Port observed.
"Peter, look!" Oobleck exclaimed. "It's not over yet!" I turned around to see Ivory surrounded by a dome of purple energy, smirking through the field.
"Nice," I said, folding my arms across my chest. "Not going to go down easy, are we?"
"Did you expect me to?" She answered, lowering the field. "Not so bad with that thing. What was it, a Dust grenade?" Two more slid down out of my sleeves. "Well then, we'll just see who can last longer...." Two bolts of purple energy flew at me, forcing me to roll and toss my explosives. She blew them out of the sky in a shower of fire and shadows to which I took advantage.
Raising my hands, both rose behind me and rushed Ivory. A purple wall appeared to block them. I'm starting to see why she's the one out of her team for this fight...she's great. I've never met anyone who's semblance could go toe-to-toe with mine...after this, we've got to talk.
"Had enough," I panted. We'd just broken apart from another duel of our powers and I could feel the strain .
"How long've we been at this?" She questioned, taking slow, deep breaths.
"I'd say about thirty minutes," I guessed. The sun was starting to set over the lip of the stadium. I'm sure that we all wanted to see this finished, and I had a way to do it. I pulled my last explosive from my belt and gripped it tightly in my fingers. Crossing my fingers and hoping that this would work, I smashed it at my feet. Flames swirled around both of us for a second before I closed my eyes and concentrated.
The fire flew back to me and I felt the heat run back through me, but when I opened my eyes I saw that something similar had happened with Ivory. " Oh, come on...can't you just step down? "
"I didn't get this far with my team just to roll over and die," she answered. I could see the strain of the energy inside of her and could feel the start of the ache of mine. We stood there for another couple minutes, staring the other down.
"I've never seen anything like this," Port said.
"Both are weak due to the battle, but neither wants to give the other the victory," Oobleck supplied. "It's just a waiting game now...." The pain brought me to my knees and my breathing was getting shallow, but I felt something stir inside me. I felt like it was just saying 'Let it go. Take the opportunity...finish her.'
"Finally given up?" She said through gritted teeth. I looked up at her and stood back up slowly. My hands clenched into fists and I bared my teeth as the pain rose to a peak.
"Nowhere close," I snarled. I don't remember exactly how it happened, but we both let our energy loose in a massive burst of energy. Oobleck and Port said something but I couldn't hear anything over the roar of energy. When it died, Ivory and I stood facing each other.
"This is inhuman!" Oobleck exclaimed. "How are they both still standing?!" Not sure if he said anything after that because I fell to my knees and blacked out....

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