The Chapionship

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     To be honest I don't know what I would've done if I'd beaten Andrew. After watching everyone else duel I wouldn't have stood a chance. Ren floored Cardin, and Pyrrha tackled Nora easily. Jaune lost to Matt while Velvet and Dove somehow managed to knock each other out. Ozpin stood up as the four semi-finalists stood before him.
     "First of all, I would like to congratulate you all on your skill," he said. "I had planned on having one of you be guaranteed a spot in the finals, but due to bizarre circumstances I've come up with a new plan." Ren and Andrew were standing, expressionless, with their hands behind their backs. Pyrrha was smiling and waving at friends but Matt was just looking around. "The finalists will be chosen through a Battle Royal. Take your places."
     They did as he asked: Pyrrha across from Andrew and Ren in front of Matt. "This is like every other duel except that any damage you receive will cause you to lose a spot in the finals." The screen randomized and landed on Andrew's item. "Game start!" Andrew played three face down cards and set a monster. Knowing him it's probably something really good.
     Ren summoned Elemental Hero Sparkman and left his turn. Pyrrha laid down as many face down cards as Andrew but summoned her Baby Dragon in defense position. Matt summoned the Feral Imp and equipped it with the Horn of the Unicorn.
     "Sorry about this Andrew," he said. "Feral Imp, destroy that face down!" Lightning arched from the little devil toward whatever the card was but Andrew had other plans. A vortex opened from the trap card and the lightning flew through it.
     "I think not," Andrew said, drawing a card and flipping up his monster-The Old Vindictive Magician. "Destroy that Imp...." The ancient wizard lifted a bony finger and the Imp crumbled to dust. "Now, return the favor to Matt." An orb of magic flew at Matt and hit him squarely in the chest, knocking him off his platform.
     "Well done, Andrew," Ren muttered, drawing his new card, "but it was a foolish move." Sparkman's hands crackles with electricity and he fired a bolt at the old wizard. Andrew flipped up another trap card and two barrels appeared. The lightning went in one and flew out the other towards Ren. "Oh...that's good." He was knocked off his platform as well and only Pyrrha and Andrew were left.
     "Ladies and gentlemen," Ozpin called. "Your finalists!"


     The monitors flared to life with our life points but our monsters and cards remained.  Could be a minor problem....
     "Good luck," Pyrrha said.  
     "Same to you," I replied.  She drew her card and my smile faltered.  Baby Dragon isn't really strong but my Magician can't hold his own.  She smiled at the little dragon and a spark of fire sparked in his throat.
     "I'm sorry," she said.  It sounded more like she was apologizing to the wizard more than me.  The little spark grew to a torrent of fire that obliterated the old man and dropped my life points to 3250.  I let her draw first blood...I'm getting soft.
     "I play the field spell Yami."  I placed the spell in it's position and darkness rolled over the field.  "I summon the Mystical Elf in defense mode, and then use Ancient Rules to summon the Dark Magician."  The spellcasters appeared behind the wall of shadows. 
     "Time wizard."  The little clock wizard stood barely taller than the Baby Dragon but I know what she's going to do.  "Polymerization, to summon the Thousand Dragon."  Figures....  The Wizard and Dragon were gone and replaced with an ancient Dragon.  "Destroy the Elf."  Fire wrapped around the delicate spellcaster and turned her to ash but I'm not sure what was the point.  My Dark Magician tops him in attack, even without the field spell.
     I set another two card face down and summoned Neo the Magic Swordsman.  The Dark Magician obliterated her fusion monster and Neo attacked her directly, leaving her with 1800.
     "Sorry about your Dragon," I told her, "but this is where it ends."  A smile flashed across her face but I felt that I was in trouble.  She played a spell that I knew very well...Dark Hole.  My monsters were sucked into the vortex and destroyed but that's not where it ended.  She played her own Ancient Rules and summoned the greatest fiend The Summoned Skull, a 2700 attack monster because of Yami.
     Lightning flew from the demon's fingers and I watched as my life points sank to 550.  This isn't going quite my way.
     "Although looks can be deceiving," I heard Ozpin announce, "it looks as though Pyrrha has the championship."  Yes it does, but there's one card that could turn things around.  I played Dian Keto the Cure Master to give me a thousand life points but my trump card was in my hand.
     "I win," Pyrrha cheered.  Lightning arched from the Summoned Skull's fingers again but I was ready this time.
     "Draining Shield."  The trap card made a barrier over me and the attack raised my life 4250.  Pyrrha looked shocked and her turn was over so I took the advantage.  "Brain control and I'm ending this."  The Skull demon turned around and shot lightning at his former controller, dropping her negative life.
     "Interesting combo and powerful comeback," Ozpin said.  "Andrew Jennings is the first Millenium Tournament Champion!"  Applause rose from everyone sitting in the stands and Ozpin beckoned me to the stage where the silver millennium items trophy sat gleaming.  "Congratulations."  He handed me the silver and I turned around and immediately my eyes fell on my team. 
     I felt like I won this for them, but they've got a huge nerd for their leader...oh well.

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