Spinning Death Wheel

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     Andrew's been taking extra sessions on his own, sometimes using the courtyard for his practice.  He told us to and train with either Team RWBY or JNPR but he always muttered about something he was trying to do.  When we asked him about it he just shut up and pretend like nothing was up.  Wish he'd just tell us....
    The only person who was curious as to what he trying was Leah because Isabel was...preoccupied.  Whether she moved on from Andrew or not, she had her eyes set on another boy.  Funnily that knew interest turned out to be Ren and she was always volunteering to spar with him.  Not sure how she's going to deal with Nora though....

     "What was that?"  Jaune asked.  My katana bounced off of Pyrrha's shield and every one stopped, listening.  "Did anyone else hear that?"

     "Shut up," Isabel snapped at him, whispering.  Nobody spoke.  Nobody moved.  All of us were listening for the sound again, wondering exactly what Jaune had heard.  Then we saw what was making the noise.

     A blur flashed passed us, a spinning mass of black, silver, blue and...blonde?  It was spinning on the ground, moving forward at a ridiculous speed and made laps around the training area.  We all watched it as it enveloped itself in a cloud of dust to where we could only see its silhouette.  I'm not sure what everyone else was expecting but when the dust settled I was not prepared for what was there. 

     Andrew, long black trench flapping in a light wind with his scythe behind his back, was standing there.  He looked over his shoulder with a cocky grin plastered on his face and a triumphant, and slightly manic, look in his eyes.

     "Afternoon gents," he said.  "Ladies...."

     "What was that?"  Nora asked, looked at him in awe.  "Where'd you learn to do that?"  Andrew laughed, it was more of a chuckle really.

     "I've been working on it for a while now," He admitted, turning to face us.  "Kind of a way to get to the other end of the area faster or just a quick way to get somewhere...."

     "Can't you already teleport though?"  Ren asked.  Leah giggled at the expression on Andrew's face which was, admittedly, priceless.

     "It's not for long distances," he said, curtly.  "It's to get around fast in a fight."

     "How do you do it?"  Pyrrha asked politely.  Andrew grinned.  It was an open secret that out of most of our classmates, Pyrrha was one of Andrew's favorites which was actually saying quite a lot.

     "The only way I can keep it spinning," he explained, throwing the scythe to where it spun in the air, "is to use my semblance to create a constant stream of air to surround it."  Dust started to fly as the wind caught his weapon and started to spin in faster.  "When it gets to a certain speed, which it should reach pretty soon, all I have to do is jump in and focus on what direction I want to go in."  To prove his point, he jumped into the the circle, adding a whole new blur of color into it, and sped off to the other end of the area where he stopped and waved.  I don't care who you are, that's pretty cool and actually really useful.  Knowing Andrew he's probably going to find some way to make him go fast enough to where he phases through stuff...if he hasn't already.

      "I don't know how he does it," Jaune said, looking a little green.  Leah turned to him with a smile.

     "He's completely mental and always looks at things in a stranger light or comes up with these really weird, really elaborate things and tricks," she told him.  "And we wouldn't have him any other way!"    

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