An Unexpected Task

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     Port, as usual, was going on his usual hour and a half long lecture about his past 'heroics', and I was dozing.  I kept myself from sleeping for fear of more nightmares.  They've been happening more frequently and sometimes changing but always the same face.... 
     "Hem hem,"  Professor Port cleared his throat loudly.  "Mr Jennings!"  I barely heard him.  "MR. JENNINGS!"  Leah jabbed me hard in the side with her pencil and I snapped awake and glared at her.  She pointed to Port who was, and I'm just guessing here, glaring at me.  "Awake now, are we?"
     "Yes, sir," I said, sheepishly.  "Sorry, Professor...."  His eyes, if they weren't clouded by his eyebrows, bore into me but he  put a hand on his chin.  I could see that he was thinking about what to do to me.
     "Normally I suppose you would receive detention," he said, "but I may be willing to overlook this little snag."  Uh oh...I never like what happens when I hear those words.  "Come here...."  With everyone's eyes on me, I slowly stood up and walked down to Port.  "Do you have a weapon on you?"  I nodded.  "Very well.
     "To avoid your detention, and you have a choice, you may instead fight a Grimm here."  He pointed to the barred door at the end of class room where I heard something growling.  "So...what's it going to be?"  It was a no-brainer.  I rushed back up to my bag, pulling my scythe out of it and walking back before transforming it into the weapon.  "Very well, then."  He reached his desk in a few quick strides and pushed a button.
     A blur of black, white and red came barreling out of the hole with a squeal.  I jumped over the Boarbatusk and turned around to face it.  The Grimm wheeled around and curled into a ball before rolling at me.  I started spinning my scythe in front of me and braced myself for the hit.  I stood my ground at the first hit, but felt myself sliding slowly backwards. 
     Concentrating, I reached deep into my semblance.  A strong wind started the blow through the room from behind me, rustling everyone's hair and clothes.  More importantly it was allowing me to push the Boarbatusk back.  With a startled shriek, it unrolled itself and I smacked it away with the back end of the blade.  The wind died down as the Grimm stood back up and pawed the ground, looking ready to charge again.
     "Roll, Andrew!"  Isabel shouted.  "Show 'em how it's done!"  I smiled up at my fellow classmates as I threw my scythe into a spin, using a continuous stream of wind to keep it going.  Preparing myself for the jump, I took a deep breath and jumped for the shaft, wrapping my arms around it. 
     Using my control over space I gained my bearings in the spin and waited for the Grimm to charge.  It squealed and barreled toward me, and I rolled to meet it.  There was a horrible squelching noise as I sliced the thing in two and flipped sideways to come up in a crouch, breathing heavily. 
     "No less than I would have expected," Port chortled, "but I would hope that you have learned...."  He was interrupted by the intercom.  Glynda's voice emminated from the speaker.
     "An announcement to all students," she said.  "There will be a dance held this Saturday in the ball room from eight to midnight.  That is all...."  The intercom turned off and I still crouched in shock.  I cannot think of anything I'd rather do less.
     Hopefully, I don't have to bring a date....

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