Below Mountain Glenn

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     Ruby and I swapped watch around eleven that night, and I fell asleep on my perch.  Of course my dreams were, as they have been for a long time, centered around the ruins of Beacon.  Although this time, the other me was waiting patiently.

     "So," he said, "have you figured out what's going on?"

     "Why do you care?"  I asked.  "You're dead...."  He laughed and hefted his sword.

     "I am," he conceded, "but my legend lives on through another...."  His eyes slowly turned a deep red and his smile was really starting to creep me out.  "I believe that you might have been told something by a girl you know...I hear you dance wonderfully."  I drew my own sword and would've struck him down if someone hadn't started to shake me awake.  

     "Andrew wake up we've got a problem."  Yang, unfortunately was the one shaking me and let me say, it was the worst experience I've ever had to endure.  I pushed her off and allowed my eyes to focus.  

     "What's the problem?"  I asked, yawning.  "If it's Grimm then I thought that you all would've been able to handle it...."  I saw Crescent Rose lying there, but Ruby was nowhere in sight.  "Oh...why didn't you say something sooner?"  Oobleck was holding a lance whose tip was on fire and looking down a massive hole in the road.

     "We have to go after her," he said.  "There are tunnels below the city as a way for the citizens to escape when the Grimm came.  Instead, it only made the world's largest grave...."  I drew Nightblade and looked down with him.  "Let's hope that we can find Miss Rose...."  He jumped in and the rest of us followed him, weapons drawn in case of a fight.

     Oobleck wasn't wrong about the network of tunnels, but it did understate them just a little.  It seemed more that we'd fell into an ancient underground city than a network of trade and escape tunnels.  The worst part is, however, that this place was inhabited.  Men and women wearing white masks with streaks of red were milling around, performing menial tasks or overseeing those tasks.  

     "White Fang,"  Blake whispered.  

     "The faunus terrorist group?"  I asked.  She shot me a glare and I raised my hands in apology.  "But still, why are they here?"  We peaked out from behind our rock and watched the White Fang for a little while.  Two of them came in carrying a little figure in a combat skirt and a red hooded cape.

     "Ruby,"  Yang growled, making to get up.  "They better get their dirty hands off her...."

     "You can't just go charging in,"  I whisper yelled, putting a hand on her shoulder.  "One false move, and we could all end up dead."

     "Mr. Jennings is right," Oobleck said.  "We need to find a way to follow Miss Rose to find out where she's going...."  

     "I can bend light to create a sort of invisibility," I mentioned.  "Sadly that would only shield me.  I can't do it for everyone, but it would get me pretty far."  I stood to a crouch, and looked at the others.  "It's the best I can do, and we might be able to save Ruby in time."  I looked at Yang.  "Do you trust me?"  She hesitated a little bit before nodding, and I bent the light and started making my way through the White Fang.  

     I've only seen wanted posters of some of these people, but now that I'm up close, it looks like half of them aren't even faunus.  Yeah, there are still quite a few who are, but a pretty good amount were human.  I sabotaged a few important looking things on my way but no one noticed...hopefully.  

     "You can't just expect a perfect plan just to fall into our laps," a familiar voice said.  Turning the corner, I saw Roman Torchwick, standing in front of a pile of giant and smaller crates.  A few more White Fang members were standing in front of him.  "We need something we can use!"

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