Induction and a Choice

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      "Andrew."  Professor Ozpin was standing near the entrance to the locker rooms.  He was standing there with his cane and his mug.  It took me a while to notice but Pyrrha was behind him.  

      "You need something, Professor?"  I asked.  

      "If you have the time, I'd like you to join Ms. Nikos and I in my office," he said.  I shrugged and walked forward and so did Leah but he stopped her.  "Just, Andrew, Ms. Lucas...."  I looked at her and her eyes where filled with  concern.  

      "Go and find Des and Isabel," I told her.  "Tell me who wins the next fight, okay?"  She hesitated a little but eventually walked away.

      "She cares about you very much," Ozpin said, turning and walking towards his tower.  

      "Yeah, I guess," I replied, sliding my coat around my shoulders.  Pyrrha looked at me with a similar look that Leah'd given me, but I felt it was more that she was worrying about why she was here than me.  Of course, it is a little bizarre that I get called to the Headmaster's office, especially with another student...unless....

      "It's good to form strong relationships with your teammates," Ozpin said.  "Like I said before, you remind me so much of your father...."  I felt a flush rise to my cheeks and looked at the ground.  I can't deny my feelings for Leah but I can't help but question if romance is really a good idea between us....  Of course, Isabel might agree with me but I don't know if she still likes me....  

      We got into the elevator and rode most of the way up in silence.  When the doors opened we were met by Glynda and Qrow.

     "What is he doing here?"  Glynda demanded as Ozpin walked to his desk.  She pointed her riding crop at me as Pyrrha and I stepped into the room.

      "Not that I'm not excited to see the kid, I've got to agree with Glynda, Oz," Qrow agreed.  "Why's he here?"

      "He eavesdropped on the last meeting we had with James," Ozpin said.  "I told him that I might induct him into our brotherhood...."  Qrow did a spit-take and Glynda paled.  

     "Are you sure about this?" Glynda said.  "He's just a first year...."

     "He's also one of the strongest in his year," Ozpin countered.  "We could use some young blood, and I find him to be the most suitable."  He smiled at me and I couldn't do anything but grin back.  "We are not here to discuss his informal induction, we are here to discuss Ms. Nikos."

     "Which I'm really curious about," Pyrrha said.  

     "I feel the same," I conceded.  "What's this about that the two of us are the only students here?"  Ozpin looked at us over the rim of his mug before asking a question.

     "What is your favorite fairy tale?"  We looked at him in surprise.  All this secrecy just to ask us what our favorite fairy tale is?  Ozpin's lost his mind....

      "I can't really pick one, Headmaster," I said, still a little confused.  

      "Neither can I," Pyrrha said.  Ozpin smiled at us, only confusing us more.

      "I assume that both of you are familiar with the tale of the seasons?"  He asked.  We nodded.  "I will not bore you by recounting the tale, then.  However this is what is important to know...."  He shifted in his chair to get comfortable.  "The four maidens in the story are real people, and have changed over the years."  We looked at him for a second before a smile crept across my face.

      "If this is code for something, we're missing the message," I told him.  "You can't be serious...."

      "Yeah, I didn't believe it at first either," Qrow said, leaning against a support.  "But it is true.  We're charged with protecting the maidens, and making sure that any transitions go well...."

      "What's so dangerous about the maidens?"  I asked.  "They're normal people chosen to represent the seasons, right?"

      "Not exactly," Ozpin replied.  "Each of the four maidens wields exceptional power in their own right.  Each maiden must also be a young woman and, mostly, the power transfer between people is the person who slew the maiden, or whom she last saw."  He looked at me.  "As a friend of your father's, I am offering you a chance to join our brotherhood.  If you accept then you will go on with your daily activities, but will also be charged with looking for the maidens, or potential maidens should we need to engineer a transition."

      "Just so you know, kid," Qrow said.  "This is why I quit teaching at Signal.  I've been searching around for the maidens, and found one.  She's in pretty bad shape, though.  Probably not going to make it...."

      "He hasn't even joined yet," Glynda snapped at Qrow.  "Why did you just tell him that?"

      "Because, I'm joining," I replied.  "I want to help, and I have a little more time on my hands to be on the look out than most of you."  They all looked at me.

      "This will have to be a less formal induction, but for tense and purposes, you are a member of our order," Ozpin said, standing up.  "However we have more pressing matters to attend to...."  He walked over to the elevator.  "Ms. Nikos, we've been watching you and have found you a very capable fighter."  She turned pink.  Pyrrha doesn't like to brag about how she's famous for her fighting skills.  "More importantly, you're a good friend.  This is why we've chosen you...."  The elevator doors opened and we all clambered in.  Ozpin hit a button and slowly the elevator descended.

      The doors opened to reveal a dark chamber with a high ceiling.  The walls were lit by torches that burned a venomous green.  At the other end sat a massive tangle of cables and machinery, as well as two pods.  One was occupied by a girl who looked barely conscious and had scars across her face.  She was small, but something about her made me feel that she was more powerful than she looked.  I put a hand to the glass.

     "She's a maiden, I'm guessing?"  I asked, not turning around.

     "Fall," Qrow said.  "I had to save Amber from attackers a few weeks back.  She's alive but we can't tell for how much longer...."  We all looked at Pyrrha.  "That's where you come in, kid."  He took a swig from his flask.  "The maiden's power can only be transferred into another young woman.  Depending on who that is it can be good or bad."

      "This machine is designed to transfer Amber's aura to you," Ozpin said.  "That's the idea, at least.  We're sure it's possible but there is always uncertainty.  What you have now is a choice: become the fall maiden, or go back to being yourself...we'll give you some time to make your decision.  Both of you have training to do before the final matches of the tournament, anyway."  We both nodded and headed back towards the elevator.  The ride back up was long and uncomfortably silent.

     "What do you think I should do?"  she asked, breaking the awkward silence.

     "What you do is your decision, Pyrrha," I replied.  "What I would do in this situation...I'd do it.  I'd try to help them keep that power from falling into the wrong hands."  There was another stretch of silence.  "No matter what choice you make, we'll all be here for you."  She smiled at me and left when the doors opened.  Now...I do have to train for the final round...but how?

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