The Battle of Beacon

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     Pyrrha had already left the stadium by the time I got out, followed by Jaune.  We didn't say a word as we raced towards the comms tower, but Pyrrha and I didn't have to.  Her decision had to be made, and she knew what had to be done.  I heard screaming and rumbling off in the distance, but that would have to wait...we need a new maiden soon.  

     The doors to the elevator opened with a pleasant ding, revealing Ozpin gesturing for us to get on quick.  When I made to get in he put a hand on my chest, stopping me.

     "Go and help the others," he ordered, looking me dead in the eye.  "Your strengths and semblance are more valuable there...."  I nodded and watch as the door closed.  I trusted Ozpin to keep Pyrrha safe, but wondered why he didn't let me come with him.  No time to question it...Beacon needs as many arms as it can.  The only question is how can I get there...hmmm...I need a motorbike. 


     My rapier flicked at a Beowulf who lunged at me, drawing a deep scratch on its face.  Leah's falchion danced in her hands, striking anything that got too close to her as she turned on the spot.

      "Where's Andrew?"  Destiny asked.  

      "He ran off with Pyrrha and Jaune towards the tower," Nora answered, slamming an Ursa to the side.  "I haven't seen him since...."  Leah looked worried but before I could do anything to console her, another, strangely familiar noise rose.  

      An Atlesian Paladin rose among the Grimm, being controlled not as good as an Atlesian soldier.  Some of us had fought one before but it was an intimidating piece of machinery.  I could almost see whoever was driving's smirk as he turned toward the small group.

     "Out of my way!"  The voice startled all of us, even the Paladin, and was joined by the sound of a motor.  We all turned in the same direction and jumped out of the way as someone on a motorbike, a sword in their left hand, came barreling towards the Paladin.  They got almost to touching point before the guy on the bike jumped off the bike which hit the Paladin and exploded.  Whoever it was fell, to stand in front of the burning wreckage and a familiar pair of eyes met ours.  "Thank you."

     "Your nuts," Destiny said, grinning.  Andrew shrugged and put Nightblade in his right hand.  "Where'd you go?"

     "I had to get to...," his voice tailed away.  "Never mind, it doesn't matter.  We have to help Ironwood's army get everyone on the transports and out of here...."  Everyone looked at him, standing straight like a military officer and looking at them all expectantly.  "If there's no arguments, let's move!"


     I don't know what made me take the lead with my friends and the other team leaders, but I did and they seemed willing to listen to me.  We rushed off in different directions, pursuing either Grimm or White Fang.  I found myself back to back with Leah, slicing down anything unfriendly that was in reach and taking the occasional shot at a passing Grimm.

     "You know," she said, slicing a Beowulf in two and taking a deep breath, "this is a lot more exciting than I thought it would be."  I turned the barrel of my sword and fired two shots at two White Fang members, bringing them down.

     "Guess it'd be pretty boring if you'd stayed in Atlas," I answered, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her to avoid a bullet.  She pulled a pistol from her pelt and shot her attacker in the leg while I sat her back down.  "Never the less, I don't think Beacon's going to survive this attack...."  I grabbed her by the hand and teleported away just as six Beowulf pounced at us.  

     The Grimm hadn't made it this far yet, but some of Ironwood's knights were here, evidently on patrol mode.  "The best we can hope for is to get everyone out safely...."

     "Then what?" she asked.  "Where're gonna go?"  I had an answer for her.

     "We can use my grandparent's house," I said.  "Grandpa gave it to me when he died.  It's more than enough for the four of us...."  We looked at each other, this being the first time we've been really alone.  I heard the sound of movement from the knights and looked in shock as they raised their rifles at us.  

      "What're they doing?" Leah whispered, trading her falchion for her other pistol.  Their faces turned red and their started firing.  I only had a few seconds to erect a wall of wind to catch the bullets before they reached us.  I rolled one of my explosives towards them and Leah shot it causing the sphere to erupt in a burst of electricity.  "Ironwood wouldn't program them to hurt anyone...."

     "Even I know that," I muttered.  I still wasn't sure what I made of James Ironwood, but I knew that he wouldn't deliberately do probably isn't him at all.  My scroll went off in my phone and I noticed that it was Ironwood.  "I hope you have an explanation...."  

      "I would've thought that your first question would be how I got your number," he said.  I heard a gunshot and the sound of people panicking.  "Someone's taken control of the knights' programming.  From what I've heard, Roman's free and controlling one of the ships."  I looked up at the Atlesian cruisers that had been overhead for the past few weeks.  The though of Torchwick with that much power was startling....  

      "Keep trying to get everyone to safety," I said, sounding more commanding than normal.  "We'll find a way to deal with him...."  I ended the call be James could question why I was giving orders, and looked at the disabled machines.  "We need to get back to the others. I'm not sure how much longer they can hold out against the Grimm...."  I grabbed Leah around the waist and rose on the wind towards the sounds of combat.

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