Following Team R.W.B.Y.

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     "Ozpin asked you to do what?"  Leah asked.  I waited until we were back in the dorm before telling them.  

     "He says that he trusts me to do it," I replied.  "I'm not sure how I'm going to hide while on the ship but...."  I shrugged.  They all looked concerned about what I'd 'agreed' to, but I have a feeling that I know what I'm getting into.  "Come on, guys, trust me on this.  I'll come back," I looked at Leah more than the others, "I promise...."  They all looked at me again, and I just gave them a confident smirk.  "Come on, just trust me on this."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(the next morning)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I peered out from behind a wall at Team RWBY.  I couldn't hear them, but I could see their surprise at Dr. Oobleck.  Of course I'd be surprised as well if I didn't know that he could fight Grimm like they were flies.  They loaded up into the ship and Oobleck looked at me.  I know that he could see me and he jerked his head back.  I nodded and he followed Ruby and the others.  

     The door started to close and I took my chance and ran towards the plane.  I extended my hook blades and jumped on top of it just before it flew away.  Just let me say that this is the worst thing that I have ever done...flying at unreal speeds the only thing holding me on is a curved piece of steel.  Maybe next time, I'll just ride the wind after them...yes, that's probably a good idea.  Of course, the things that must be done in the name of stealth are sometimes on the fly decisions.

     When the ship dropped at Mountain Glenn, and I knew that I had to hide before the others came out and follow them to make sure they don't kill themselves.  I jumped into one of the ruined buildings and watched them as the plane flew away.  

     "Alright, ladies," Dr. Oobleck said, taking a drink from his thermos which, now that I look at it, is really quite big.  Guy drinks almost as much coffee as Ozpin does....  "What we're looking for here is anything that seems suspicious."

     "What would be considered 'suspicious'," Wiess asked.  Oobleck looked at her and there was a kind of half smile on his face.

      "That, Miss Schnee, is exactly what what we're here for," He said, before he was interrupted by growls.  A small pack of Beowulf, only about a dozen or so, was inching towards them.  There was the sound of weapons being drawn and I pulled out Nightblade, aiming to take a shot if I needed to.  Oobleck let them take care of them take care of them, but then signaled to move on.  This went on for about until the sun set and Oobleck, gratefully, decided to stop for the night.   

     Overall, this stealth mission isn't too hard, but I'm only worried about Blake.  I'm not sure exactly how heightened her senses are, but I know that if any of them notice's going to be her.  Although, Ruby may have noticed me just from her looking around which she does a lot.

     They moved into the shelter of an old ruined building as the sun started to set, and I had to stay out of the light and warm of their fire.  I don't have a problem with being cold, but it still kinda sucks to sit out of the warm that I was so close to.  

     "Ruby,"  Oobleck said.  "Can you come with me for a second?"

     "Uhhhh," Ruby said.  "Sure...."  He led her away from the others, in the direction of a near-by overlook, but I didn't follow them.  Dr. Oobleck could protect them if Ruby fell a little short...heh heh, short joke.  I busied myself with setting up a vantage point to keep the other three alive.  

     Oobleck fell asleep and let Ruby take the first watch with her sitting on a beam with Cresent Rose across her lap.  She's a good fighter and will make one hell of a Huntress someday, but I just can't help but think about how young she is.  I mean, none of us are much older than sixteen or eighteen years old, but she's the youngest person I think who's in our year...maybe to ever attend Beacon Academy.  She's a good fighter but she's too much of a dreamer...wants to be a hero from one of our fairy tales.  While she might not end up how she wants, but at least her heart's in the right place.

     A growl broke me from my silent musing and tired stupor.  A Beowulf was prowling towards the place where Ruby and the others were sleeping and, as far as I can tell, she hasn't noticed it yet.  Creeping up to the ledge, I extended my hidden blades and waited like a Nevermore for my prey.  The beast didn't know what was going on as I jumped from my perch and drove the blade straight through the base of its skull, but it yelped in pain as the blade killed it.  Of course, the plan was to kill it and ascend back onto the roof, but I hadn't thought about it making a sound when I killed it.

     A scythe blade slammed into the wall inches from my face and caused me to flatten against the wall.  Ruby, who is definitely wide awake, was standing with a determined look on her face.  Blake, Weiss, Yang, and Oobleck were standing behind her and I felt a bead of sweat run down my face.  A dog poked its head out from behind Oobleck and looked curiously at me.

      "Hey, girls," I said, nervously.  "How's it going?  Having a good time?"

      "You've been following us?"  Weiss asked.  "What about your team?"

     "If you were anyone else, this'd be really creepy," Blake said.  "It's still really creepy by the way...."

     "So you're the reason that I heard a gun shot a few hours ago,"  Yang said.  "Did you hit anything?"

     "Beowulf, about eight and a half feet tall," I said, still really nervous about the steel blade that almost pierced my ear.  

     "Congratulations, Mr. Jennings," Oobleck said, "you've just failed the main mission that Ozpin gave you.  Didn't he say not to be seen?"  I gave him a sort of nervous smile, and looked at the others.  "Let him go, Miss Rose.  I suppose that there's nothing to hide from you."

     "I'll explain," I said, waiting for Ruby to move before I did.  

     "So Ozpin sent both of you to keep us safe?"  Yang said after I finished my story.  "Seems like he trusts us to take care of ourselves...."

     "I'm actually here because this is a sort-of internship,"  Oobleck said.  "He's the one really here on Professor Ozpin's order."  I looked t him before talking to the others.

     "It's not that he doesn't trust you," I said.  "He's just being really careful.  We're only first years...."

     "Then why'd he send you?" Weiss asked.  "You're only a first year too, so why are you out here?"  I shrugged.  To be honest, I've been wondering that myself.  I'm strong and all, but shouldn't he have sent someone like Coco , or maybe Velvet?

     "Ozpin knows my dad from way back," I told them.  "They were on the same team when they went to Beacon, so I feel like I can't really say no to him, just on principal."  I looked at Team RWBY, and their eyes were fixed on me.  Yeah, it doesn't send an encouraging message to them in terms of what they can do on their own, but even they can't deny that this is a bit much for a bunch of kids.  "It's not that he doesn't trust you.  He just wants to make sure that all four of you come back safe, I think."  

     All of their eyes were on me as I found a perch to lay on in the rafters.  "I we're going to keep going, we're all going to need our sleep...."

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