Chapter 1

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Having been married into a life with Park Chanyeol, Baekhyun's had it easy. Had it not been for love, overcoming such circumstances won't be as easy. It's cherishing moments and discovering great results that strengthens a bond — something that one will not come to regret.

"I'm Park Baekhyun," he bowed to the guests.

"It's been a while, Sehun how is life with Luhan?" Chanyeol inquired, leading them inside.

Luhan's appearance came with a disgruntled face. "You don't have to be like that you know?" his tone gave off playfulness. "Not to brag but I'm Oh Luhan!"

Not long before he could even hear their reply, the latter went straight to Baekhyun. Beaming, he started, "Hey, hey, hey! We've seen each other in our weddings back in America! God, even to this day I still wonder what made you fall for that bastard, well, he's crazy." Luhan shrugged, adding, "guess that's your type after all." He winked, earning a smack from Chanyeol.

Only then after a quick pause did Luhan noticed Baekhyun's tinted cheeks.

"Jongin and Kyung's gotta be here any moment."

Right after Sehun informed Jongin and Kyungsoo's soon arrival, the doorbell rang.

Jongin went in with an apology, tugging Kyungsoo in with him.

Having not used to people around, Kyungsoo greeted them discreetly, "good evening," he smiled, looking towards the group. Everyone welcomes them and they settle down.

"Guess we'll start the next project soon, huh?" Chanyeol declared, motioning the others to the other room.

"Business meetings, hm? C'mon let's not waste time while our husbands talk about it. I think I can't bare hearing a single word from them."

Once comfortable, the three exchanged words and chatted. Luhan came to know the two's career, Kyungsoo being a restaurant owner and Baekhyun who apparently lives the house-wife title — except he's not a wife. They've had their share of jokes and had been unconsious of the time that passed.

By the end of it, Luhan's knocked down but rewardingly so, he's got into the boys, actually thinks they're close enough that three hours of talking is equivalent to three years of their friendship. His lips are slightly parted, Sehun would think it's cute.

It's when Kyungoo yawned that Jongin stepped out from the other room, limbs stretched out  and arms extended. He smiled when he noticed Kyungsoo. "Sleepy, 'soo?" He's answered with another yawn. Jongin chuckled, enamoured.

Sehun was arranging the papers, carefully placing them in the envelope when his eyes flickered to Luhan's state.

Jongin raised his eyebrow, "look what we have here. Hunnie has to prince charmingly send Hannie home."

Sehun rolled his eyes, earning a few chuckles from the people in the room. "Jongin, the fuck."

When Sehun's had Luhan half successfully in his arms, Luhan stirred in his sleep and managed to let out a small, "Hunnie 'gonna go home?"

Jongin side eyed him teasingly, Chanyeol tried to muffle his laughter. Sehun could only sigh in defeat, mouthing a fuck you after his affirmation.

Before the door finally closed, Chanyeol worriedly approached Baekhyun. "Are you Okay? Not tired? Are you sweating? Can you breathe just just fine?" His face was plastered with concern, definitely matching the tone of his voice.

"Chanyeol-ah, I'm fine." Baekhyun tried to smile, pinching his lover's cheeks.

"It makes so much sense when we're talking about you!" Chanyeol placed his hand on top of Baekhyun's own.

"Sweaty!" Baekhyun puckered his lips, eyebrows knitted. "Hurry go change," he motioned.

12:23 am

The rain was pouring heavily outside when Chanyeol stepped out of the shower. He was just in time to witness the wheezing sounds coming from the bed. It was barely audible because of the rain but he'd been alert ever since the month had started.

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