Chapter 6: Time and Forever

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"Luhan! Look it's your brother!"

Everyone else laughed so hard and Luhan was disappointed and not affected by Baekhyun's joke.

"You are so funny Baekhyun, and I see why Chanyeol fell in love with you. Talk about obvious." Luhan spoke, eyes half close. He tried not to react epic and he did so. He said those words naturally without any emotion. Talking about Sarcasm.

"Brother is that you?"

"You too, Kyung."

They all onced laughed excluding Luhan who was trying to regain his composure. He tried to act cool around them, but still they found it funny. Now, it was Xiumin's laugh who was heard. He laughed heartily.

"Not you too, Xiu! I thought you were on my side!" Luhan pouted, eyes full of stars. "You people! I thought you were my friends!" He faked cry and crotched down and hugged his knees. Kyungsoo tried to comfort Luhan and said that it was only a joke but Luhan shoved him away. "It's okay, I have deers. They are my friends now, moreover, I think my family." He especially emphasized the word deer he was relating to.

They all laughed over Luhan's cuteness and the way he acted, it was too much to handle.

"Luhan you should see your face now. You are just so much, too much for my eyes!"

Luhan looked up and pouted once more, "You should try and look at your face after I deep it into the toilet bowl!" He stood up and chased Baekhyun playfully.

Xiumin and Kyungsoo chuckled at the scene. It was so childish, like they were handling 2 naughty and playfull kids.

"You were the one who suggested to go to this Zoo, Luhan!" They heard Baekhyun shout while saying many Jebal.

Kyungsoo smiled and looked at Xiumin, "You know what, I think that we will all be bestfriends through Time and Forever, you know what I mean, Xiumin?"

"Mmmm... yeah."

A/N: Double update! Feedback is appreciated.

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