Chapter 28: Told

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Baekhyun was awakened by the sudden call. He hesitantly got up of bed and reached for his phone. After reaching, he laid down again on the bed before answering the call. His eyes were half-lidded and his hair was a mess. He didn't have the time to look at the caller and just answered it with a sleepy voice.

He said, "Hello?"

"Baekhyun please tell me where you are! Please! Please! Please! I need him! Please tell me where you are right now! I-I beg of you!"

Baekhyun's eyes snapped open and he felt bad over the boy. "What? N--" Before he could deny, the other made it cut him.

"Plea-please... I've searched for you guys, I want to know. I really want to see him! Baekhyun please..."

"How could you even say that after all there's your slut, Nan--" Baekhyun was once again cut off.

"N-no! She's nothing to me! Please tell me. I've gone to search you guys..."

"Fine." Baekhyun irritately replied. "Where areas of your after wedding days. Your honeymoon."

"......." Without saying anything, the other line went dead and Baekhyun tsk-ed and went back to sleep. He adjusted his place in Chanyeol's body, made him wrap his arms and kissed the taller before sleeping back with him again.

The sleep wasn't that long. There were interruptions which was messages. Baekhyun was irritated. He held his phone and checked the messages, from which his eyes winced because the light of the phone.

3 unread messages

From: Mrs. Xi

Hello my dear, Sehun's been visiting our house and told us where is Luhan. I don't know what's up with him and why's he asking where's Luhan? I'm sorry to bother. Have a good day!

From: KaiKaiKai

Yo, Sehun's been bothering me with his texts to where the hell is Luhan. Please, just make him stop! >:(

From: Kyungsoo

Hey Baek! Uhm... Sehun's been messanging me a lot to where Luhan is. I didn't answer though. Oh yeah, he had many missed calls, too.

Baekhyun read the messages but didn't reply, he was so sleepy. It seemed that those messages were sent before Sehun had called. He checked back his log and looked, it's just the same.

He closed back his phone and went to sleep, hoping that no one shall bother him again.


Luhan and Seohun was about to go back to the hotel. Luhan packed his bags in a weak manner and Seohun noticed this, frowned. They were going outside to Seohun's car, and Luhan entered the car first without any doors opened for him. He just sat there and stared at nothing.

"Luhan, is something wrong?" Seohun asked as he held his hand and looked at him worriedly.

Luhan shook his head as he looked away. "Ani. Everything is okay."

Seohun made Luhan face him by removing his hand to his chin. Seohun's frown deepened. He had puffy red eyes. "Your eyes are red. You cried didn't you?" Seohun said and Luhan parted away as he held his bag that Seohun held.

"L-let's just g-go." Luhan stuttered and walk ahead of Seohun who sighed.

Seohun just complied the command and went to the car with Luhan and drove off. The drive was indeed more silent than the last one.

Luhan had his eyes half lidded. His eyes were also growing eye bags. His cheeks were oily and his hair was messy. He looked like a zombie. Seohun, on the other side, was neat and clean. Seohun just sighed a little more sad upon seeing the worn out boy and decided to just continue to drive.


Sehun bought a guitar on his way.

He was angry, happy, sad, mad, thankful, pissed, grateful, and all other emotions were mixed to it. He was happy about seeing Luhan once again, but he's also angry at the boy and Nana. He's mad at his brother, grateful of Baekhyun, and pissed to everyone who made this happen. But, he also was like this to himself.

He continued to drive with all those emotions' tears. He didn't know what he'll do nexr when he sees the boy. But, he never knew what the smaller will react if he sees him.

He texted Baekhyun.

To: Baekhyun

I'm going.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol woke up after an hour of sleeping. Now they're at the hotel's restaurant, drinking and taking their breakfast alone.

"I told Sehun." Baekhyun informed and bit his bread and swallowed it.

"Hmmm..." Chanyeol simply hummed in a sleepy attitude. "Whaaat?" It took 5 mere seconds for Chanyeol to realize what his husband had said. "Why did you? When? Gosh Baek! Wha--"

Baekhyun stopped him with a kiss. "Sheesh Yeol, I think it's enough. Sehun's going to find out anyways. And yeah, I know Luhan is suffering and this is enough as it is." Baekhyun announced and that made Chanyeol physically calm but mentally confused.

"Are you sure about that, Baek?" Chanyeol raised a brow and their distance's proximity was really close that made their nose touch.

"Yes, I am." Baekhyun simply answered and kissed Chanyeol's lips that he was practically wanting to. Chanyeol was about to return the kiss when some voices spoke.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! You two love birds, you better stop making public affections! Or-or else!" Kyungsoo exclaimed as he slipped his hand between Chanyeol and Baekhyun's mouth.

"Or else what?" Baekhyun smirkingly asked.

"Ju-just! Because-because! It's in public!" Kyungsoo defended and stuttered at the same time with a blush.

Chanyeol spoke, "Someone here lacks some affection, huh?" All eyes trained on Kyungsoo with some teasing stares.

Baekhyun propped a hand and looked at Kyungsoo who was nearly trembling and keeping all his blushes inside. He failed though. "Kai, please."

And at once, Kai grabbed Kyungsoo and carried him like a sack rice out of the restaurant. Kai looked back and said, "Oh yeah, thanks!" And he continued to walk away.

Kyungsoo was so blushing madly at them. He covered his face with both of his hands and blushed madly while his feet continue to struggle. "K-kai! Let go! Let. Me. Go." Kyungsoo demanded with his feet kicking. Kai didn't listen anyway.

Kai said, "Stop struggling, okay?" He sounded quite irritated by that but the teasing tone lingered.

Kyungsoo feet stopped but instead, it was his hands now. "Pabo! Let me down already!" Kyungsoo punched Kai's back as he shouted. People turned their attention to them but it didn't matter Kai and just continued walking to their room upstairs.


Author's Note: OKKK. So before anything starts by in the next chapter, Can you comment below what had been your favorite parts/chapters?

thank you for reading as always! kamsa too for the ones who comments and votes first!! i dont know you guys could bear a story like mine ._. thanksss!

(ps i updated late bc of the effing restaurant's slow wifi.+i made it only today.+)

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