Chapter 27: The Date (0.1)

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Author's Note: guys this was made on the same day as the past chapter in was going to update tomorrow but... yeah. i love you guys so much so here's the update. (like do you still even read this?) ok it's here:


Morning came out fastly.

Luhan stretched his hands as he yawned. He sloppily opened his eyes as he put his arms down. He just smiled at nothing as he got out of bed.

Pouring a cup of coffeee, he looked at the window and sighed. Maybe this vacation will be good, just a bit, and it's fine. "There's nothing wrong with hoping, right?" He said as took a sip of his hot coffee.

He was left nothing to do until he remembered something. The date. He remembered then he placed his cup down and went for a bath.

Drying his hair with the towel, he went to the closet and grab a hold of his clothes and went to change.

After grooming his self, he went down to order his breakfast and ate it all alone. Maybe they are still alseep, He thought.

Finishing his meal, he went back to his room, brushed his teeth and grab his prepared bag. It contained his extra clothes and his needed things. He prepared these yesterday's night.

Looking back at his room once more, he smiled and announced, "I'm off to go."


"H-hi!" Luhan greeted.

Seohun offered a seat as he greeted back, "Hey."

Luhan gladly took the seat that was offered and smiled shyly at Seohun.

"Still scared of me?" Seohun suddenly asked as Luhan, who was shyly looking down, bobbed his head up.

Luhan winced. "Y-yes." He looked away but only to be stared at by Seohun who held his right cheek that made Luhan face him.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know why." Seohun weakly gave off Luhan a weak smile. Luhan seemed to shiver every time Seohun touches him. Luhan doesn't look at him in the eye. There was really something.

"B-but." Luhan paused as he slowly interlaced his hand with Seohun's own ones. Luhan smiled as he still didn't look at Seohun. "I want to know y-you more." He admitted.

"That's fine for me, I want to know you more too." Seohun mutually confesses. "Let's make things clear first..." Seohun delt. Luhan nodded his head as he agreed. "We're not cheating on our love ones, right?"

Luhan nodded again as he seemed it was making the situation clear. "Yeah, let's just make them... realize."

"Will you remove your wedding ring?" Seohun suddenly asked out of topic. Luhan felt something twitch inside of him. Was it his heart? "It's because... they might think I'm... you know." Seohun awkwardly says as he rubs his neck.

Luhan, understanding him, removed his wedding ring and placed it on a box Seohun gave him. He placed his box unto his bag and glances at Seohun. Seohun was doing the same, but it was an engagment ring. "You're enganged?" Luhan softly asks.

"Not yet, but I'll be proposing sometime." Seohun answered as he kept his ring inside his pocket.

"Ah... I see." Luhan just sat there awkward and stuff. He looked around the same bubble tea shop he was yesterday but not at Seohun.

Seohub stood up and said, "I'll get us bubble tea." Before Luhan could retort and say it's okay not to, Seohun directly went to the making area and made the bubble tea himself.

Around 11-15 minutes, Seohun came back with a smile and two bubble teas in his hands. "Here." Seohun handed ad he sat and drank his bubble tea with his hand propped.

"Isn't that... illegal?"

Seohun could only laugh at him. He laughed, "You know bambi, you look really cute today, to add more to that, you're very more cute when you think innocent."

Luhan was confused but flusterred at the compliment.

"I own this shop, bambi."

With that, Luhan's eyes cutely widens from the news.

Seohun smiled again like his usual smile.

After many more sips, Seohun had an idea before they leave the shop and go to their next destination. "Oh yeah, I want to properly introduce myself." Seohun said as Luhan glanced fastly at him before agreeing with an 'okay'. "Hey, as you know I'm called as Seohun. But, my real name is Oh Seohun... yeah I know it sounds funny, my last name... I have a twin and he's older than me by minutes, his name is Oh Se"


Luhan's face fell as the bubble tea itself also spilled around the floor. From the news he just heard, he knew this was the bad thing, he felt it. Luhan's body froze as his hands were shaking. That's why he's afraid of Seohun. Luhan slowly looked up at the taller male as Luhan's eyes widen. He looked just the same as Sehun. "N-no." He said as his whole body was trembling. "Wh-why does it k-keep hunting m-me?" Luhan shakily asked himself. Everything physical about Seohun was just like Sehun. He sounded like him. He looked like him. But, he wasn't like him.

"H-hey, Bambi... A-are you okay?" Seohun stood up. He held Luhan's left arm.

"Pl-please, I don't want this anymore."

The clarification of the bad feeling was there.

"W-what? Why?" Seohun frantically asked as he was concered over the boy.

"I can see him in you." Luhan only said.

"Wh-who?" Seohun panicked as he looked at Luhan.

"Your brother. Sehun." Luhan responded. Seohun stopped and sat down, wanting to hear everything. "I-I'm ma-married to him. He's my husband."

Seohun didn't move. "Why... why my brother? Wh-what did he do?" He asked Luhan who was just blankly staring at nothing.

"I-I... he left me." Luhan replied. "For someone else who came back."

Author's Note: ok, we all now know that Seohun is Sehun's brother. yep. did you know it already or not? cuz Seohun is just like tha name Sehun. AAAAnd that's why Luhan is afraid of him. this story will end about 30-40 chapters i guess. ending is already near~ do I have to make an epilogue?


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