Tips for Writing (Optional to Read)

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☆So hey, this is Christine_Lu with some random writing teaching!

Note: Please take note that I am no professional so don't take everything as the truth, I think this will be some rants, well partly.

To all writters, authors, and readers, I think you know or will know how it is. I think you can relate.

Number One: I mostly see somethings like Your POV and others like that (e.g. Sehun's POV) then they will make make such things as the asteries "*" which they say as what they are thinking. No, seriously it's their POV or Point Of View so no need to put those, okay? Instead, make it in Italic. Stick to One to Two POVs per chapter, it's better that way. Author's POV is the most used or the protagonist's.

Example: She saw the boy worked so hard at making moves. I also like you but I don't know what to say... (Put it in the last Sentence)

Example: You should see your face right now, Sehun thought. (Or like this in the first.)

In the second example, you shall put Comma "," after the thought.

It always looks good that way.

Number Two: Please refrain from using abbrevations like Pls and Ok. It doesn't fit in.

Number Three: Please refrain from using these things many times ! ? , It doesn't look any good like:

Instead of: "What????"

It should be: "What?"

Number Four: Don't mix how you write, I am talking about this:

Instead of: She said, "Hello!" Then no one greeted her back *sighs*

It should be: She said, "Hello!" Then no one greeted her back so she sighed afterwards.

See? When you do the first one, it seemed like you don't really care. That's what I always say in my mind when I become a reader.

Number Five: Always and always remember that when the person is talking please always use " Then always put the right mark like:

Instead of: -My name is Hana- She introduced.

It should be: "My name is Hana." She introduced.

I think that it is good in the eyes.

※Number Six: Always and always make the first letters in every sentence capital and the names, too!

Instead of: luhan was happy that sehun loved him.

It should be: Luhan was happy that Sehun loved him.

Number Seven: Always put space! Spaces after the comma and the period! Most people don't do this and this makes our, readers, eyes hurt.

Instead of: She greeted him a happy birthday."Happy Birthday!"Then she clapped.

It should be: She greeted him a happy birthday. "Happy Birthday!" Then she clapped.

See how it didn't?

※Number Eight: Don't make too much details, because some details may be overload and that makes it not so much to like. You can just state what is the person doing, feeling or just simple thinking. You can also write and describe the scene, the place, and the surrounding or the atmosphere to make it more real.

Number Nine: Don't use words that readers cannot understand that makes them go to a dictionary.

Number Ten: Please always know the difference between Your and You're. Its and It's.

※Number Eleven: Always check and read your own story and see what or how it is wrong. Check the sentence if it's right. Check the paragraph if relates with each other and check them if things are happening too too fast for your liking.

Number Twelve: Always know the opinion of your readers! But only the opinion. Don't change the plot without your liking, 'kay?

Number Thirteen: If you don't know how to use the apostrophe in words then please use it like:

Instead of: Dont, cant, wouldnt

It should be: Don't, can't, wouldn't (or if you're not sure use it like: Do not, cannot, would not)

Number Fourteen: Please don't always use the Right? in every sentence.

Instead of: She has to call, right?

It should be: She has to call, does she?

You should know about this.

※Number Fifteen: Always and always check your spelling and especially grammars! If you're not sure then why not ask to someone who is fluent? or someone who knows better?

Number Sixteen: Do not! I repeat! So not always use the same words like:

Instead of: The blonde boy laughed at the frog beneath him. Then the blonde boy picked it up and then the blonde boy smiled at it.

It should be: Luhan laughed at the frog beneath him. Then he picked it up and then he smiled at it.

Use pronouns in the next sentences!

Number Seventeen: Always check the kind of sentence because some were like:

Instead of: What was she even thinking.

It should be: What was she even thinking?

Number Eighteen: When you divide the story, stick to obe divider like:









Don't make it long like:



Have a maximum multiplication of it. Stick to one type, they should all be the same.


☆Well that was all, hope it helped! And hope it relates to some. And one thing is that, hope is different from wish, okay?

Hope- something that can possibly happen.
Wish- something far from happening, something that can never happen.

®All rights reserved to me. (lol)

This is just my opinion, no need to follow everything. If you found it right then I guess we are just the same. Heyy, I am just 12 okay? (=▽=)

"Happy Birthday, Xiumin~"


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