Chapter 30: You're Only Mine [M]

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Author's Note: See that? It's rated M. But not really just not really. Just to be sure!

(ㅋㅋㅋ... you even know my age.)

Because I'm scared of you

It replayed over and over inside Sehun's mind like a destroyed player. It didn't took that long enough for Sehun's tears to be fast and cold streaming down.

"W-why?" Sehun lowly asks as he stood up from his place and faced the door. "Why?! Tell me! Tell me!" He shouted and Luhan could just look down at the floor while sitting.

Luhan hugged his knees to his chest while his tears continue to form. He couldn't take this anymore. The person he'd been yearning to see was here now. He answered shouting, "... Because I'm scared that if I'll continue seeing, talking, thinking, missing and loving you, my feelings would get hurt again. It's already shattered Sehun! Why can't you understand me? You think I'm crazy right? Crying over someone who left me. Why did you choose her, you could've just let some other being take of her! I don't want to take any risk any further. I think I've had enough, Sehun! It's your time to make the risk, If you truly love me!"

Without passing any more minutes, Sehun spoke with anger, "That's why I'm here! Did you know that I hadn't gone back to our house because I knew you weren't there! It hurts, Luhan, it hurts! Because I know the next thing if I had come home, I wouldn't be able to see you! Because you are my home! If you'd ask why I didn't find you is because that if I'll go right there, she'll kill you in less than a minute! I didn't leave you! I didn't! This was the time she had left and this was my chance to go and save you! I have risked too, Luhan! I've spent my time with her just to keep you safe! I truly love you! Now that I'm here, please open this door! I want to hug you in my arms, kiss you in forever! Please all I want to be is with you. Now that I've come back again."

"Well, you could've just spent your time with me to protect me at the same time. I think those every night that I cried for you was useless. Crying and begging was all I could do to make you come back here. Even though I wanted to see you so badly, I decided against that. It'll make me even more hurt. I think... let's just end this. I think I've been hurt enough."

Sehun slammed the door in full frustration. He want to open it and hug Luhan, make up with each other, kiss like there's no tomorrow but he heard what those last lines Luhan had said made him mad. "Don't you dare say that Luhan! You were on my mind, I didn't forget about you. I was worried, please, Luhan! Let me in! Let me in! I only did that because if she'll find out about you, she's going to kill you! That's why I wasn't there with you! I had to keep her away from you, a big distance from you, so she won't ever get close to you. I came here because she disappeared to find you! Please Luhan!"

Luhan could only shiver at every slam on the door. He could just tremble at Sehun's loud voice. Frightened at the next words. He covered his ears and cried more loud even Sehun could hear. He was more afraid of everything that is happening. "I'm sorry."

"Luhan please!" Sehun pleaded and slammed once more. "I love you." His voice fainted every second. "Open the door now..." It gets soft and softer as he kneeled on the door. "Not my brother... don't you love him."


It was already 7㏘ and Sehun may have thought Luhan had been asleep the past hours because of crying.

Luhan heard Sehun's footsteps fade.

Sehun ran down the stairs. He reached the ground floor and went outside to his car. The breeze was cold. He opened his car and grabbed his guitar. He unzipped the case and left it. He ran back upstairs.and sat infront the door. He knocked and said, "Luhan, I know you're already awake."

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