fourteen ; foreign schools pt.2

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a/n: my writing sucks. I apologize sm, but Harry's getting some rosy cheeks lolol. Also, I'm making a Ophelia and James Potter story called, "Illegitimate". name may change.... 

Darcy had heard the very passionate words that Hermione said about treating house elves during breakfast. Though, the elves did like to work, Darcy didn't say anything against the busy haired girl. Darcy watched for a while when Hermione exchange words with Fred and George, then her attention flew upwards to the owls that were coming in.

Among the several, one owl perched itself on Harry, which perked Darcy's interest. From across the table, she scooted closer. She couldn't read the letter, but after a while, Harry passed it to her. It surprised her, but she took it nontheless.

Nice try, Harry,

I'm back in the country and well hidden. I want you to keep me posted on everything that's going on at Hogwarts. Don't use Hedwig, keep changing owls, and don't worry about me, just watch out for yourself. Remember what I said about

And if Darcy happens to be around, I'd like to say that I will personally escort Barty Crouch to a well-beating for stunning my daughter.


Darcy smiled, handing the letter back to Harry.

. . .

Ophelia was among the few who were standing outside the castle. The Heads of Houses were ordering around their kids. Darcy departed the trio as she went towards the Slytherin line. Snape had no trouble lining up the first years in the front, all the way to the seventh years.

Darcy found her self shoved indirectly behind Malfoy, and she was no longer happy to see the Beaxbaton and Durmstrang students arrive. Though, from the very back of the fourth year line, Darcy spotted Tracey Davis standing by herself.

As Snape walked towards the front, Darcy sneaked out of line and took a spot in front of Tracey.

"Hi there," Darcy whispered, fixing her messy short hair. Snape had pointed out it was a rat's nest. He wasn't wrong.

Tracey smiled giddly. "Thank god, I was beginning to feel like an outcast," she said, clapping her hands together. "I'm really excited to the Beaxbatons girls. My mum went there!"

Darcy raised an eyebrow. "It's too bad the Triwizard Tournament only does European countries...I would've liked to see a few of my old friends..."

Pauline Johnson was the few students who actually liked to speak to Darcy. Of course, it was the past and they've only known each other for two years, it felt odd to just resume talking with the girl. Darcy made a side note to send a letter to the girl some time.

"Aha! Unless I'm very much mistaken, I believe the delegations for Beaxbatons is apporching!" Dumbledore yelled.

Darcy and Tracey's eyes swiveled upwards to where Dumbledore pointed. Indeed, there was a single moving spot that was beginning to look a lot like a dragon. Then, a few voices were givng out their own opinions.

The first three rows of students drew back, as the flying house began to draw near with impecable speed. Once it landed, Neville (Darcy did not know that the Gryffindors were in front of her) had stepped onto her shoe at the rough landing.

"So sorry, Darcy," he stuttered and straightened up. He gave her an apologetic look.

"No, it's fine, Neville," Darcy replied rather much flustered from the slight numbing pain of her foot.

A boy in pale blue robes had jumped from the carriaged, and he released a set of golden stairs. From the door, a black shoe the size of a children's shed was stepped out. Darcy's eyes widened as the full figure of the woman half-giant had revealed herself. She was very elegant, wearing a fur scarf and a silky black dress. She adorned many opals, and it impressed Darcy by how she could pull it off

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