twenty-seven ; second task

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a/n: unedited. published 12/23/16

Okay, the beginning kind of sucks omg.

Harry woke up late, and was blessed with the god-sent elf, Dobby.

He knew that they got Ronthe merpeople. He couldn't help but think of what Darcy said before. They strike deals for what its worth. On their terms.

He was really hopping to at least be greeted by Darcy, but she was nowhere to be found. Obviously, the merpeople wouldn't take two people he cared about into the lake? That wasn't fair.

But, then again, whoever put Harry into this could possibly be doing everything to make his life a living hell.

Harry was given gillyweed by Dobby, though a little skeptical about the prospect of the herb.

"I'm . . . here . . ." Harry panted, skidding to a halt in the mud and accidentally splattering Fleur's robes. "Has anyone seen Darcy?"

Though his question wasn't answered, it was Percy who reprimanded the boy on his tardiness. Turned out the Mr. Crouch wasn't coming up to good wellness.

The task began so quickly. Harry jumped into the water aster the shrill whistle.

Then, quite suddenly, Harry felt as though an invisible pillow had been pressed over his mouth and nose. He tried to draw breath, but it made his head spin; his lungs were empty, and he suddenly felt a piercing pain on either side of his neck —

Harry clapped his hands around his throat and felt two large slits just below his ears, flapping in the cold air. . . . He had gills. Without pausing to think, he did the only thing that made sense — he flung himself forward into the water.

. . .

The merperson was swimming the waters, her duty to check for unwanted predators. A body was at the bottom of the lake, still breathing. The merperson was shocked, seeing this girl—still alive and not a part of the tournament that was happening around them

Swimming faster, her spear pulled away, the merperson was at the side of the girl. She took in every detail of the unconscious girl, then a slight glowing came from her neck.Pulling back the collar of the young human girls neck, the merperson screeched loudly at the native rock.

Taking the young girl into her arm—albeit it being against the honor of the merpeople to help humans in this task—the merperson swam with the heavy weight of the girl.

The merperson knew that the girl had the same charm as the other captives in the lake did—but the merperson also knew that it was already past the hour given by the humans to get back what they lost.

But this young girl was not part of the tournament. This much the merperson understood. She also knew that her fellow merpeople would disown her for breaking their honor.

Suddenly, the young girl began to puff out a little air, the bubbles disappeared from sight. The merperson was already struggling to hold the girl and they were too deep and too far from the people above.

Screeching could be heard all around the young girl and the merperson. It was a warning call, a call of warning to trespassers.

A life was dying in the merperson's arm, yet the mermaid couldn't swim fast enough to the surface. Was it worth it to risk her own reputation or drowning this girl?

As selfish as it seemed, the mersperson did not want to be disowned. But, this young girl was a friend to the merpeople—if she wore that rock around her neck.

The screeching of the merpeople were stopped, now they appeared from the misty lake water.

"Who is the girl?" said one of the merpeople, their voices serene under water. "She is not at the ropes!"

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