Chapter 2 The beginning of the end

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While I sit and wait for my aunt and uncle to come see me before I am hailed off to the nut house I think, I can't stop but think about that day 2 months ago and I find my mind traveling back to what I thought was a normal day.

Flashback to that day

"Mom, dad I'm home"

I walked through the house; as soon as I entered the living room, I knew something was not right. The house was quiet, the smell was off, and it did not smell like its normal tea, cinnamon and cookies. The smell was more metallic and coppery. The smell made my stomach turn; the chill in the house was indescribable. I walked in to the kitchen, no mom no dad.

"Mom dad I'm home"

Still no reply I went upstairs.

The sight before me is paralyzing, I cannot move, I cannot breathe, the world has just froze and I am stuck in it. All I see is red, lots and lots of red, the whole upstairs, covered in it and the smell that has swarmed the whole house is very strong up here. I finally register what all the red is, its blood lots of blood, my parents blood, I slowly creep to their room, there laid my parents, torn battered and mangled, unrecognizable. I fall to my knees and let out a death-shaking scream.

I am frantic I grab my phone and shakily dial 911.

(Flashback over)

I hear Sirens and banging, the banging is almost real. Someone grabbed my shoulders and interrupted my thoughts. I screamed, when my eyes connected with my Aunt Jenni I just cried into her shoulder.

"Hey sweetie" she holds me tight

"Everything going to be fine, I know you're innocent" she quietly told me

"I didn't do this I didn't and now I'm going to be locked away for a while for something I didn't do" I sobbed into her chest

"I know honey, I know. Do your times be good answer the questions and your uncle and I will appeal for an early release OK," she said to me.

"OK, thank you aunt Jenni, I love you"

My voice cracked

"We love you to, stay strong April we will be here for you" she said while being pulled away

"I will" was all I could say.

"Off to Wards asylum you go" a tall medium sized man said

I didn't reply there was not any need to, I knew where I was going and I know I don't belong there.

Someone killed my parents and I am being accused for it. This is not how I picture my summer or the rest of the school year. Thank god, I had good grades so I will not fail 10th grade. The judge did allow me to take school at the asylum so I do not fall behind and miss my regents how nice of him, yeah right.

I am escorted to a van, my hands are cuffed and my feet are shackled. I feel like a criminal, I am not though I am not what they say I am. I take my seat and look out the window. Nothing I can do now, they found me guilty and I am going to be locked away. I stare out the window as we drive off towards Wards asylum. I see my best friends walking from the ice cream shop; they know what happened and do not believe I did it. That should be me with them. I feel my eyes start to burn and warm liquid running down my face; I close my eyes and pray for sleep.

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