Chapter 14

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Before Alden could even ring the doorbell, the gate opened and Maine greeted him with a huge smile.


"Hi!" He answered, his smile widened showing his dimple. "You ready?"

"Yup!" She replied and pointed to the small knapsack on her back. "Got everything I need right here."

Alden gave a short chuckle but checked how heavy the bag was. He didn't want Maine to be burdened with anything, however light the bag might be. He was trying to take the bag from Maine when her parents approached them. He greeted both of them respectfully and when the pleasantries were done, Ted said, "how long will you be out?"

"Two hours at the most, sir," Alden answered. "Mom made us some snacks and said to enjoy the place first before we head back."

"Rio's right," Mary Anne said mostly to her husband than the two teens. "It's Maine's first time outside without either Jenny or us, so she should enjoy. Well, both of you should enjoy yourselves."

"Just take care," Ted added. "Alden, we trust you with our daughter."

Alden nodded, understanding the deeper meaning of what Ted had said. It wasn't just about the bike ride. He stood straighter and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before replying, "I will never betray that trust, sir."

Ted gave a warm smile after that. Alden, after finally taking the bag from Maine led her outside where the bike was left. While Alden was strapping the bag on the handle, Maine came up behind him eyeing the basket.

"Are we also going out to feed the hungry?" Maine inquired. "We could feed an army with that."

"Nope," Alden smirked. "I was informed that we could only feed ten people at the most with this."

"Alden," she replied. "I don't eat that much."

"I don't eat that much either, Maine," he remarked and gave a short chuckle as well. "But apparently, mom thinks that we can."

Maine laughed at the statement as Alden finally strapped the backpack properly on the handle. He handed Maine a bike helmet and helped her wear it, adjusting the straps so that it wasn't choking her. He donned on his helmet as well and got on the bike. Maine followed suit and sat at the back, her arms went around Alden's waist immediately as she tried to get comfortable on the seat.

When Maine finally stopped moving, Alden looked down to the arms wrapped around her waist. He placed a hand on one of her hands that settled on his stomach and gave it a tight squeeze.


"Yup," she answered. "Let's go, Alden."

With a last wave to Maine's parents, he kicked off and started pedaling towards the route that would take them to the park. True to his mother's words, Maine leaned on his back as she tried to listen to the landmarks that Alden was showing her. He could hear her giggle and feel her body shake as he told her some stories of his childhood when they moved there. The mood was light and Alden kept the moderate pace, making sure that he took the better pavements, avoiding potholes and slowing down on humps.

It wasn't long before they've reached the park. It was mid-afternoon but surprisingly, there weren't many people there on a Sunday. Alden took her to one of his favorite spots at the park, a huge oak tree with the roots creating a make-shift nook underneath it. The fallen leaves created a nice covering on the ground that mats or blankets weren't necessary.

Alden parked the bike underneath the tree, and he and Maine got off. After helping her take off her helmet and taking off his own, he led her to that nook underneath the tree, instructing her to take a rest while he set-up their little picnic.

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