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God for giving me the gift of written words

Paul Co for giving me this story concept back in 2006. It didn't come out as originally planned but the general idea is still there. This story is as much yours as it is mine.

Doc Burnz for lending me his name in this fic. I love you Manong! Always!

Maichard Bibes for being my first readers and egging me to continue.

Rammers and Deijays for picking me up and giving me a new home.

Anne Maniego (iamRam2333 ) for sharing with me these wonderful girls. And thank you for the crossover. I truly enjoyed writing with you.

Abbie and Reese who never let me go and continued to hold my hands even when I was trying to pull away. During my darkest state of depression, you guys stood by me with no judgement. You stayed with me all through the rough ride.

Jan Raphael Cariño (thejraphaelwrites ) for being there from the very start and staying, for being my go to person for medical terms and for giving your seal of approval for the SPG scenes in this book.

Lifehouse for the songs. "Central Park" will forever be etched in my heart. ❤️

Richard Jr. and Nicomaine Dei for being such an inspiration and role models to everyone.

You my readers who have shared this experience with me. I never would have made it this far without you.

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