Chapter Five, Zyra's POV,

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I wake to the sound of a soft melody and I instantly think of Dawn. This is her melody. My headaches as I try to sit up. I see her in a chair next to my hospital bed with a tiny set of bells and mallets. Wait, my hospital bed?!?! What happened to me? Dawn grins at me and sets her bells and mallets down on my hospital bedside table. Her hair's a mess and she looks tired but yet she looks happy.

"How did I get here?" I ask her and try to sit up again.

As I try to sit up, Dawn smirks and shakes her head. My head feels like it weighs hundreds of pounds, I lay back down.

"You don't remember anything about what happened with your father? Do you?" She asks me concern.

Only bits and pieces, I wanted to say, but it hurt to think so I just slowly shake my head back and forth.

"You're father was abusing you and I heard you scream, it's my natural instinct to go and help so I run upstairs to find you on the floor crying and drenched in your own blood, I knocked your father out and stopped the bleeding of your head until the doctors came," She says to me.

It takes a minute for me to process this. I remember what happened now. My dad got angry at me because he had no idea where I was. He hit me with his belt and pushed me to the floor. My head then hit the side of the wall. Now I am here. Dawn looks very concerned for me, almost as if we had been best friends our whole lives. Her icy blue eyes stare at me. I smile.

"Thank you...." I say quietly because that's all I could manage to say.

Then someone comes bursting into my hospital room, it takes me a second to think clearly about who it is. When I come to the conclusions that the figure that burst in is my mom, tears fill my eyes and spill over. My mom stands before me, her red hair glistening. Dawn looks frightened, she has no idea this woman is my mother. My mom comes to the side of my hospital bed, (Not the side Dawn is on), and scoops me up into a big hug. I don't tell her that it hurts to sit up, and that my headaches and pounds and she cries into my ears. My mom is here, my mom. I wrap my arms around her in shock, hoping that this hug will last a lifetime.

"Mom......" I say quietly to her.

She hugs me harder while we both cry. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Dawn smile. 

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