Chapter Six, Dawn's POV,

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It's Saturday now and I don't sleep at all. My mind knows that Zyra is fine, that she'll be okay. Whenever I think about her, I get this strange feeling in my chest. I try to distract myself by listening to some of my favorite songs while lying on my bed trying to sleep. It doesn't help that we now live in this crappy apartment. I have to watch my brother today because my parents are both working late shifts to earn enough money to get us out of here. I can't stop thinking about Zyra, it's really annoying. I can't stop thinking of her long brown hair and her perfect hazel eyes. Man, what's wrong with me? I slowly start to slip into sleep and dream I am playing my song in front of a huge audience. Then the audience disappears and only she stands in front of me. Keep playing, she says and I do, and I play better and stronger than I ever have before. What is wrong with me? Then I wake up to the sound of my brother yelling. I instantly get up and run out of our small bedroom. My brother stands in the front of the living room looking at me slyly.

"I knew it! You always come when someone screams" He says and goes back to playing with his toys.

I shake my head and go into our small kitchen to get some food. My mind starts to go back to thinking about Zyra. I really want to go and see her, I don't know why, I just feel like I need to see her. She probably knows by now that her parents are suing each other and that she has to go live in an orphanage for a while. It must suck to be her right now. Though having that long hair and pretty hazel eyes wouldn't be that bad. I must be staring at the wall because my brother is all up in my face saying hey Dawn, you there? I nod my head and open the fridge, it lies empty all except for a jug of milk. I slam the door closed and turn around.

"Get you piggy bank, we are going out for lunch," I say to my brother who is staring at me.

He smiles and laughs, running into our room to grab his piggy bank. Hopefully, we will be able to get some food with such little amount of money.

After we go to the pizzeria and eat, I tell my brother to go to the apartment, lock all the doors and windows, then wait for me to get home. Of course, he asks where I am going and I tell him, to the hospital to see Zyra.

When I get to the hospital, they let me go to see Zyra right away because they all know I saved her. Literally, I am walking towards her room and everybody I pass compliments me on saving her life. How fast does news spread these days? Then I get to her room and open the door. She is lying on her bed and turns to see me when I come in. She grins. I grin as well because she looks way better than yesterday. Her cheeks are no longer the color of a tomato, and her face no longer has a sad look on it.

"Hey, Dawn," She says to me as I walk in and sit in one of the chairs next to her.

"Hey Zyra, you feeling any better?" I ask her because I really would like to know.

I don't why but a deep concern has grown for her inside my heart and just looking at her makes me feel better. What is wrong with me? She nods her head and sighs.

"Yeah I no longer feel like my head ways a million pounds," She says lightly, still smiling.

I laugh and she sinks back into her pillow, her grin makes my heart wince. Her beautiful hair cascades down her shoulders and her eyes are sparkling. Why am I thinking like this? Why am I noticing how beautiful she looks? Why am I noticing how I feel about her? Why do I feel this way towards her? Why? I must look angry because she asks me what's wrong, I tell her nothing. After a few minutes of talking, she asks if I want to watch some T.V and of course I say yes. T.V is where I get most of my ideas for songs I write. We sit there for a while watching some reality sitcom. I have an urge to reach out and grab her hand and just hold it. My mind tells me it will be awkward but my heart tells me to do it. I reach for her hand which is lying next to her on the hospital bed and hold it. Her hand is not rough and calloused like mine, her hands are smooth and soft. She glances at me, still grinning, and then looks back at the T.V. I hold her delicate hand as if it were a fallen angel. I feel like my heart is going to burst any second and that my chest is on fire.........but it feels so good, I never want to take my hand away. I wonder what she is thinking about me holding her hand. 

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