Chapter 2- cover up

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"Hello Fran... Having fun with my friends?"
A deep, raspy, voice asked.

"H-Harry?" I asked as I quivered with fear.

"You got that right bitch, take a look outside for a surprise." He said with a chuckle.

I slowly crept to the window, and lifted the blinds to see Harry standing there. Once his eyes reached mine, he gave a devious smile, and a pitiful wave.

I squealed quietly, my heart skipped a beat.

"Fran? Fran, what's wrong!?" Louis hollered.

"He's here! Harry's here!" I said with a tear streaming down my face.

"Ok, ok, calm down Franie. I'll go talk to him." Niall said as he put his hands on my shoulders.

Niall opened the door to Harry standing right in the doormat.

"Harry, stop it... She's really scared." Niall pleaded.

"Ah ha! She's got you guys fooled!" Harry bursted out in laughter.

"What did I ever to to you Harry?" I screamed.

"You know exactly what you did you fucktard!"

"No harry I really don-"
Harry punched my stomach. I fell to the ground clenching my stomach in pain.

"Oh, and I heard my family and I will be going to your house for dinner tomorrow." Harry said with a smile while grabbing my chin forcefully.

"It should be... Fun." He threw my chin with force.

"Harry leave her alone!" Louis scolded

"Don't worry I'll go, I'll see her Tomorrow night anyway. See you later my love" his raspy voice spoke as he roughly poked my cheek.

Louis and Niall shut and locked the door behind Harry.

"Love, are you ok?" Louis said as both Niall and Louis helped me up.

"Yeah.. I guess so."?

"Come sit down here love" Niall said as he placed a pillow behind my head.
Niall rubbed my cheek softly just like the way Harry used to.
The though of Harry made me flinch away from Nialls soft touch.

"I'm sorry Niall. I was thinking of Harry."

"So you don't want me to touch you?" Niall asked while putting his hands in his lap.

"No!... I mean no, it feels really good!" I quickly recovered.

"Oh... If you want me to." Niall quickly rubbed my face again.

Louis turned on the movie.

"I'll go get some popcorn for us!" Louis said with enthusiasm.

*the middle of the movie*

"Ahhhh!" I shrieked loudly as I dug my face in Louis's chest, and squeezed Niall hand.

"Don't be scared baby!" Louis said as he picked my face up.

"Yeah, your safe with us." Niall said with a smile.

*after the movie*

"I can't thank you guys enough for this wonderful night, and thanks for sticking up for me when Harry was around..." I said as I gave them both a hug as I stepped outside.

"I'll walk you home!" Louis shouted.

"But I-" Niall started.

"Nope me!" Louis shouted yet again.

"Niall, when I come back over... You can walk me home. Deal?" I asked.

"Deal!" Niall exclaimed as he gave me a hug and a small peck on the cheek.

"That was to make your "boo-boo" all better." Niall said with a smile plastered on his face while turning slightly pink.

"It feels so much better, thanks Niall" I said as I felt my cheek.

As we were walking home, it was dark, and since I'm terrified that Harry is around every corner, I found myself under Louis's feet I was so scared.
"Come here my love." Louis said as he tangled out fingers together.
As we arrived to my house I thanked louis again for everything he did for me, and gave him a long hug. Louis was gazing out to the moon, and I was just going to give him a peck on the cheek, but he turned his head quickly and smacked lips. neither of us pulled away, and I don't know why. We were lost in time... Time was frozen.
"Louis... I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Please... Don't apologize for something I enjoyed." He smiled and leaned in for another kiss.
"So after your dinner, you wanna come back to my place?"
"Do you even have to ask such a silly question?"
"Well, bye love!"
Louis said while he waved.

I whispered


You all ready for the dinner tomorrow? I'm actually thinking if what I should actually put in it... It's gonna be a good one!

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Thanks for reading! xx :)

Im in love with my bully- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now