Chapter 5- uncontrollable

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"Mum, I gotta go!" I shouted a angrily as I tried to catch my bus.

"Hon, do you have your lunch?!" She yelled from inside the house.


"Okey hon, I'll see ya later!" She said as she waved.

"I'm going over to Louis's later mum okey!" I said hoping that she would say it was fine but was going to go either way.

"No Francesca! You've been seeing him too much and I don't know if he's exactly a good influence on you. Plus the styles are coming over later."

"No, you can't tell me I can't see my own boyfriend. This is ridiculous!" I shouted as I dropped my backpack in front of my house not even caring about the bus anymore.

"Excuse me young lady!" She placed her hands on her hips. (Mom sass)

"You heard me loud and clear... I'm going to see louis tonight weather you want me to or not!"

"You dare go to Louis's house tonight, your never coming back in this house again!" She said trying to intimidate me.

"You just watch me..." I picked my backpack up off the floor, and started to walk to school.

*school with louis*

"I seriously can't take it anymore from her! Telling me I can't see you?! Who does she think she is!? And then she said if I go to your house tonight, I can't go back into the house." I said outraged by my mums judgment.

"Well, what are you gonna do Fran?" He said holding my hand.

"Go to your house baby, she doesn't scare me!" I protested against her.

"Oh there's that bad girl! Plus if you get kicked out, you can always come live with me..." He kissed me hard.

"Louis, what the fuck are you doing with this skank?" Harry laughed and pushed me to the ground.

"Harry leave her alone!" Louis said as he shoved Harry and helped me up.

"Alright... But you never answered me... What are you doing with her?" He asked with what seemed like jealousy.

"She's my girlfriend, why wouldn't i be with her?" Louis asked as he started laughing.
Harry froze... His eyes softened, but then got fierce with anger. Harry lashed out on louis with furious punches.

"HARRY! STOP NOW!" I started crying as I tried to break up the fight. Before I knew it Harry leaned up from louis, my poor baby who was bleeding out from his nose and mouth with cuts and bruises following up, Harry stood up and kicked me on the side of my head knocking me out.

I woke up for what must have been hours later in a hospital. I was in a gown under the covers of the bed with vision that was still in a blur.
I noticed that the tv was on so I tried to turn it up to listen to the news.

17 year old, Francesca Oakley and 18 year old, Louis Tomlinson, were beaten sensuously this after noon at SH high school. Nobody knows who is the victim of this terrible assault, but there will be an update on this story in a few hours. If anyone knows any information on this story, please contact us.-

I muted the tv as tears of hate fell from my eyes. I looked to the side, and louis was in a bed next to mine.

"*heavy breathing* louis... Louis, honey?... It's gonna be okay..." I muttered with a swollen lip.

"F-f-Fran?" He stuttered.
He was in very critical condition.

"Uh louis! Are you okay baby!?!?" I said as I felt myself weeping in pity.

"Um, y-yeah... Just a little sore. How are you my love?" He asked as he reached over to rub my cheek.

"Don't cry love, I'll be ok... I'm just worried about you. I'd give my life up for you any day." He said with a crooked smile.

"Louis, I promise you... Were gonna make it through this together." I said with determination.

"As long as I have you by my side... Anything is possible.


Thanks for reading guys! Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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