Chapter 14- over and done with

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Chapter 14-
Over And Done With

The time I spent with Harry in the past was truly some of the best in my life! We were the best of friends and for a while, our families found us inseparable... They could tell that even by such a young age that we would be that "cutesie couple" on the block, and for a long time we were. It was only about like 3 years that he had actually abused me... And now I'm willing to put that behind me, because I've fallen back in love with him and I feel like he still cares a lot about me. So go ahead... Call me crazy for getting back together with my bully... But the truth is... I'm in love with him.

The next day, early that morning, Harry had promised me that he was going to come visit me. To past the interminable time, I was relaxing in the hospital bed, writing in my journal. I've always wanted to be a writer... My friends told me that my writing was astonishing... I never believed them. But, it is what it is.
Lately I've been having these weird fantasies about Harry... That's mostly what I write about, I have to make sure that I write about them when I first wake up to get my dream with full detail or else I'll forget. That's the most fascinating things about dreams is... You will forget about them of you don't write them down.
Shortly after I had begun writing, Harry entered the room.

"Hello my beautiful girl!"

"Ahaha, hey baby."

"So, are you excited for tomorrow?"

"What's happening tomorrow?" I asked bewildered.

"Well, I spoke to your doctor and she told me that you can leave the hospital tomorrow!" He said ecstatically.
this was very much to my surprise and I was very pleased with this news.

"Wow... T-that's great..."

"Hey... What's wrong? I thought you'd be happier..." He said in a more tranquil tone.

"I-I just feel like I'm going to be shot right back out of society again..." I looked out the window as I felt a tear trickle down.

"You'll be fine Fran, I promise!"

"..." I stayed quiet.

"But I've been looking forward to our date!" He nudged me as he smiled.

"Ahaha, me too!"

"So Um, Niall called me last night..." Harry said to me.

"Dear... What did he say to you?" I felt chills.

"Well... He's really mad, not at you, but me."

"What?! Why is he mad at you!?"

"He's mad that I told you he was cheating..."

"And it's for the better that you did! Ugh, I can't believe I was stupid enough to get so intimate with Niall! do you know when he's coming back?"

"Yeah, umm, I think he said like around 6ish."

"Alright... Make sure that your not here when he arrives-... Wait, is he coming to see me, or am I just another joke again?"

"No he's coming to see you, he said he needs to "patch things up with you"." Harry said with a grin.

"Well... There's not much to say really. Fact is that I'm better off with you."

"I love you so much Fran!" as he leaned over to kiss me.

"Love you too baby!"

It was 5:45 p.m now as Harry started gathering his items as he got ready to leave. My mind was boggling around with those pathetic words again, except they were a little different this time;...
Too ugly, too fat, worthless, pathetic, what a fool, how could you do this, it's all your fault, he hates you...
I sat at the edge of my bed, holding my pounding head. The same words whipped back and forth in my head like a twister in the grassy plains.

"Franny, are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you and Niall?" Harry asked circumspectly.

"No, I'm ok... I have to face Niall myself and
Prove to him that I'm not a "chew toy" for him to slobber all over..." I thought angrily.

"Are you positive? I have no problem-"

"No, no... I got it."
Oh my gosh, does everyone think that I need help!?

"Alright... But tomorrow, it's just you and I"
He said as he kissed my cheek.

"I'll see you later tonight, ok love?" He looked back and gave a slight wave.

"Mm-k baby I'll text you right when Niall leaves." I blew him a kiss.

As I waited for Niall, the words bounced around;
Too ugly, too fat, worthless, pathetic, what a fool, how could you do this, it's all your fault, he hates you...
The time went on as I became weakened. I don't know how I'm still alive... All the anxiety building up, not eating... How am I still here?! Was I cursed?...
Without another moment to spear, Niall stormed his way into my room. he ran to me and kissed me roughly,

"NIALL?! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at him harshly.

"Fran, baby, I can explain everything... Give me one sec-"

"NO!" I shouted.


"You heard me N O, NO! You know what you did and so do I, I think I should say something. Listen up and listen good!"

Im in love with my bully- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now